Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Gooey...

One of our favorite things to do in Washington is visit the restaurant, "Dockside" at the Coeur d'Alene Resort. The restaurant has huge ice cream sundae's called "Gooey's." Now in the past, me and Ryan have always shared one of these over-sized deserts. However, this time we decided to take on the challenge of eating one on our own. I felt pretty confident about halfway through the sundae, but soon after I began to feel the wrath of "The Gooey." I honestly tried my best but despite my effort, I was unable to finish the last 8 bites or so. In my defense, I'm sure that I could've finished the rest if I pushed myself even more, but I feared that I wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time if I tried. So today I am sad to admit that I failed the Gooey challenge while Ryan passed with flying colors. While finishing a Gooey may not be the best new years resolution, it sure was a great way to kick of the new year! Then again, there's always next time...


Jon and Lara Stowell January 5, 2008 at 9:24 PM  

Dang! Those are some HUGE Gooeys. they look yummy. If I ate that whole thing I'd probably get the poops real bad.

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