Monday, May 11, 2009

Ryan's Little Buddy

Yesterday, Ryan and I found a baby bird that had fallen out of the tree in front of our apartment. After seeing the bird several time throughout the day, we began feeling bad and decided that we needed to do something to help. Luckily, our friends Tiffany and James had found a bird about a month ago and had the address of a couple who takes care of baby birds.

Watching the bird huddled in the corner, we decided that the least we could do was to take the bird to the shelter. So we ventured out with a box and began our adventure of trying to catch the bird and bring it into our apartment for the night. When we got it into the apartment, Ryan did his best to make the bird feel at home. Now I've always thought of myself as a pretty compassionate person, but when it comes to birds, I have to say that Ryan is MUCH more compassionate than I am.

Once we got the bird inside, Ryan crumpled up some toilet paper for a bed and even smushed up some fruit for it to eat. When we closed the door to the room it was in, Ryan thought the room seemed too dark so he put his laptop in the room so the bird wouldn't get scared. It was so cute watching Ryan going back into the room throughout the night to check on the bird.

When we woke up in the morning, Ryan was so excited to see that the bird had actually eaten his fruit concoction. On his way to work, Ryan dropped the bird off at the shelter and said goodbye to his little friend. Although it was a short-lived adventure, it was SO entertaining to watch Ryan with his "little buddy." I can't help but think that if Ryan was that compassionate with a bird, there's no doubt he's gonna be an awesome dad one day.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spring In Spokane

This last weekend we were able to go to Spokane to celebrate the wedding of Ryan's friend, Mark. Luckily, all of Ryan's siblings were also able to make it up to Spokane for the weekend. The grass was green and the weather was beautiful making an absolutely perfect weekend. The best part was getting to play with Ryan's nephew and niece!

Over the weekend, Ryan's niece Riley decided she wanted to set-up a lemonade stand. I'm pretty sure she ended up making about $5.00 for a half an hours worth of work. If only I could charm a crowd like her, I might be able to make a fortune!

Riley and Cooper are both super photogenic and love getting their picture taken. As my sister always says, cute kids make anyone look like a decent photographer.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Prom Date

Last night, Ryan and I helped my little brother ask a girl to Prom. While my brother did the shopping for the supplies, Ryan did most of the actual work. I, on the other hand, supervised the project by "testing" all of the M&M's. What can I say, Ryan has better handwriting than me and he's much more of a perfectionist than I am - he was just a better fit for the job. But now that I think about it, I probably should have been a little more concerned about how excited my husband was to ask a girl to prom. Hmmm...


Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Drive-In Bbq

Last night we went to the drive-in movies with some friends. To make the most of our "drive-in" experience, we brought along our mini grill and had a bbq during the movie. Although the wind wasn't quite as cooperative as we would've liked, it was fun getting to watch a movie under the stars.

And yes, that's an actual hammock that Tiffany and James are laying on. They took apart their hammock from home and put it together at the drive-in's. We were quite impressed by their innovation!


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