Monday, May 21, 2012

Summertime In Spokane - Pt. 2

While in Manson we stopped one afternoon to pick some asparagus in a field. In the midst of hunting for the asparagus, Ryan grabbed a dandelion and showed Maeli how to blow off the seeds. From that point on, that girl was on a mission to blow the seeds off of every dandelion in that field. It was one of those perfect picturesque moments that will always be ingrained in my mind. I guess it's true that it's often the simple things in life that bring the most joy. 



Summertime In Spokane - Pt. 1

This last week we went to Spokane to spend time with Ryan's family and enjoy Spokane's "perfect" summers. Soon after landing in Spokane we jumped in the car and drove 3 hours to Manson, WA where Ryan's mom grew up. That weekend was their annual Apple Blossom parade so we figured we would make a quick weekend trip so Maeli could enjoy her first parade. The weather was perfect and the parade was just short enough to keep Maeli's attention the entire time.

While in Manson we were able to bum a ride from Ryan's uncle who owns a helicopter. I've gotta admit, we had never ridden in a helicopter before and were pretty impressed by the unique perspective you get in comparison to an airplane. Maeli LOVED it and would cry every time the helicopter took off without us.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Workin' At The Car Wash

Let's face it, sometimes it's just more fun to NOT wash the car....


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Splashin' Into Summer

It's starting to get hot here in AZ which means one's time to SPLASH!!!



Friday, April 20, 2012

Love Notes

Sometimes when I can't find something I'll ask Ryan if he's seen it and he'll tell me to look in his shoes. Apparently this is one of Maeli's favorite hiding spots. As inconvenient as it may be to have to check his shoes before putting them on every day, I'm pretty sure that life just wouldn't be complete for Ryan without getting to find Maeli's little love notes each morning.

So yesterday Maeli made her dad some "real" love notes. I think one of the best things about having a little girl is getting to watch her with her dad. And I don't mind sharing my guy - seeing them together is the perfect love note for me.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Down Home With The McF's

Tuesday kicked off the McFarlane's new hit cooking show, "Down Home With The McF's." During the show, Mom and Maeli share their favorite treats, demonstrate classic fumbling techniques, and are interrupted by frequent calls from family and friends. The show features continuous spills, piercing shrills of frustration, and complete and utter chaos. Although chaotic and a bit frightening, the show is endearing inducing a feeling of nostalgia as it takes you back to the days of cooking with your mom. Make sure you tune in for the epitome of train-wreck reality tv.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Shady Lady


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Egg Hunting 101

1. To maximize candy consumption, crack open and devour the candy immediately upon finding the eggs.

2. Once consumed, leave the empty plastic eggs behind so you have room for more eggs in your basket.

3. If it's taking too long to remove the wrappers, simply pop the candy into your mouth with the wrapper still intact. (It all goes to the same place, right?)

When your parents tell you no more candy, hurry and shove a couple more pieces in your mouth before they can stop you.

5. When caught in the act, simply act surprised and yell, "Yeeeeah!"


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Training

Taking our 20-month old to spring training on a warm spring day sounded like the perfect theory. In reality...not so much.

Since Ryan is a huge Mariner's fan we figured that an afternoon at spring training would be a great way to spend time together as a family. What we didn't consider was that the game was an hour away and started right at "nap time." While the weather was in fact great, Maeli's disposition was not.

Luckily I took some pictures right when we got there while she was still mesmerized by the whole experience. Hopefully with some more strategic planning, next year's game will be a bit more enjoyable for us all.


Baby Love

Yesterday we babysat Maeli's cousin, Reece for the afternoon and Maeli was in total heaven! When the baby was sleeping I tried to run upstairs for a few minutes and Maeli refused to come because she didn't want to leave him. She loved giving him hugs and kisses and handing him his toys. While the excitement wore off after awhile, it was kind of surreal to think that she would be a big sister soon. Where did my baby go?!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Zoo Days


Monday, February 27, 2012

Silly Girl...


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Interview With "Our" 18-Month-Old

Oh, and it's a...BOY


Monday, February 20, 2012

"Zoo Girl"

Since starting his MBA program a month and a half ago, Ryan has not been around much for us to spend time together as a family. Because he had the day off of work for President's day, we figured it would be the perfect time to hit up the zoo as a family.

Those who know Maeli know that she is absolutely OBSESSED with animals. She has gotten great at making animal sounds and loves being close to them every chance she gets. She loved looking at all the animals and mimicking their sounds. And of course, the best part for Ryan and I was just getting to watch her reactions to the animals. I guess it's a good thing we finally got a zoo pass because I have a feeling we'll be having regular playdates with our animal friends at the zoo.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Won't Dad Be Proud

Those who know Ryan know that he is a total Lego enthusiast. He may be "all grown up," but as soon as you give him Lego's he turns right back into a kid. In the past Maeli has never shown much interest in Lego's other than knocking down the things that Ryan builds. But lately she has actually begun stacking them herself. Today she played with them for over an hour and broke down crying when we had to put them away. Won't her dad be proud. ;-)


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