Monday, September 1, 2008

Wii Fit

Our latest obsession has been our new Wii Fit. For those of you who don't know, the "Fit" is a new game that you can buy for the Nintendo Wii which includes a balance board that you stand on as you play the games. The activities you can do with the board range from yoga to snowboarding to our new favorite, "hula hooping." Besides being totally addictive, the game has proven to be very entertaining for large groups because it makes everyone look totally dumb (see the videos and pics below).


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Trip to Spokane

Due to the passing of his aunt, Ryan went home to Spokane for the weekend. Although the trip was on account of a sad occasion, it was a great opportunity for Ryan to spend time with his family. Since the trip was so last minute, Ryan went alone while I stayed behind and worked (lucky me, right?).

Ryan had a fun time just getting to spend time with his family. He was especially excited that his nephew and niece were there. Between family, friends, and sports, I'm pretty sure Ryan didn't even have time to miss me. ;-) Oh well...hopefully I can go next time!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Chick Flick

This weekend both Ryan and my dad were out of town so my Mom and I decided it would be the perfect time to see "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2." We saw the movie on Friday night and spent the rest of the weekend eating, shopping, and just hanging out. The movie was a complete "chick flick" and TOTALLY cheesy and I loved it! If you saw the first one and thought it was cheesy, be prepared for some major cheese in the second one! Overall, it was fun just getting to hang out with my Mom! Thanks for the great weekend Mom!


Sunday, August 17, 2008


Yesterday was a special "Intel Family Day" at the Arizona Science Center so Ryan got 4 free admissions to the museum. Since Ryan had never been and I haven't been in years, we decided we would be crazy not to take advantage of the free trip. So we recruited a couple of our friends and made a day of it. We started the afternoon off going to a little Mexican restaurant in the ghetto of downtown Phoenix. The people were interesting, the restaurant was totally unsanitary, and the food was great (thanks for suggesting it James)!

After leaving the restaurant, we headed over to the science center for an afternoon of science. When we got to the center our friend Tiffany worked her magic and got us free admittance to the new "Grossology" exhibit. The exhibit was all about burping, pooping, and all of the other gross things the human body does. You can imagine what a fun time we had with that! One of the booths focused solely on the different smells of the human body. It consisted of four different pumps that squirted out different smells. Our job was to guess which smell went with which body part. In case you can't tell from the picture below, the four body parts were: mouth, armpits, feet, and anus. Yeah, that's right, we were the lucky ones who got to smell the anus! Let's just say that the exhibit definitely lived up to it's name and was extremely GROSS!! All in all, the afternoon was a total blast and you better believe we'll be hitting it up again in the near future!


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mexican Fiesta

Last night our friends threw a Mexican Fiesta at their house. As part of the party, they decided to hold a contest to see who had the best Mexican outfit. While everyone didn't dress up for the party, here is a picture of some of us who did.

Living in Mesa, Ryan and I had plenty of resources to do some in-depth research as to what the modern-day hispanic really wears. People were pretty shocked at how "authentic" I really looked. The pictures really don't do my whole "look" justice, but I guess it pays to look multiracial!

Me & Celeste

On our way to the party we had to stop by El Pollo Loco" to get some beans. It was so embarrassing having to walk in the restaurant dressed like we were. The sad thing is that I don't think anyone realized that we were "dressed up." (That is, until I started talking and didn't have any accent.)

The night was full of Pinata's, great Mexican food, and people trying all kinds of weird treats they thought would be a good addition to the party!

Once again, thanks for the great time Devyn and Celeste! You know how to throw a rockin' fiesta! Just let us know when you're throwing the asian-themed party and I'll be sure to look "authentic."


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Scorpion Hunting

Last night we had a fun night hanging out with some of our friends. One of the highlights of the night was getting to go scorpion hunting. For those of you who are new to scorpion hunting like we are, apparently, you take a black light outside and look for scorpions. The black light makes the scorpions glow in the dark so they're easy to find. As you can see from the pics, our friends are veteran hunters with a variety scorpion hunting "equipment." We can only hope to one day become the experienced scorpion hunters that they are.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cruise - Day 4

On the 4th day of the cruise, we were in Ensenada, Mexico. We rented an ATV and some off-road vehicles and went to the sand dunes. After the dunes we went into the town and did some shopping.

Leave it to my dad to get his buggy stuck in the sand.

At one point in our shopping excursion we lost track of my dad. When we rounded a corner, we found him getting his shoes shined. It was pretty funny watching him get his shoes shined but I will say that his shoes have never looked so shiny.

Overall, the trip was a blast!! The only downside was that Adrienne and Rob couldn't be with us. Hopefully next time we'll have the WHOLE family! Thank you mom and dad for taking us on this awesome vacation!


Cruise - Day 3

On day 3 we were on Catalina Island. The boys played a round of golf while my mom and I went shopping. Ryan won the game of golf and has made sure that the other boys don't forget it.


Cruise - Day 2

On the second day of the cruise we were in San Diego. While the boys went on a tour of the U.S.S. Midway, my mom and I rented a GoCar and toured San Diego. Not only do these awesome cars get 80 miles to the gallon, but they have a built in GPS and they actually talk to you telling you about parts of the city as you drive past them. I'm pretty sure I want to buy one of these things! After his tour of the Midway, Ryan joined me on the car and we went and took some pictures throughout the city.

While renting the car, we saw the best of San Diego. A few of the highlights were the Ghiradelli store, Little Italy, Petco Park, and Balboa Park.


Cruise - Day 1

This last week my family took us on a cruise to Mexico. We had a total blast! Due to the large amount of pictures that we took, I've decided to break it down into several different posts. The first day of the cruise we boarded the ship and spent the rest of the day exploring the boat. Here are some of the overall highlights of our time on the cruise ship:

One of the best parts of the cruise was without a doubt, THE FOOD! Imagine being able to eat all of the food you could possibly want! It was absolutely amazing! At night we got to eat in the more formal dining room. Due to some booking errors, we ended up getting our very own dining room with our own personal waiter and assistant waiter. The food was SO good! We felt pretty special since we were the only people in the dining room, the assistant waiter just stood by our table the entire meal. The best part was that it was a 3 course meal and we could choose WHATEVER we wanted and AS MUCH as we wanted, and it didn't cost us anything! Talk about heaven on earth!

One of Ryan's favorite channels on tv is the Travel Channel. A couple months ago Ryan saw a special about cruises. In the show, the host talked about the towel animals the cruise line left in her room. Ryan thought that was pretty sweet so you could imagine his excitement when we found towel animals in our room.

One of our favorite things to do on the ship was the shows at night. We had soda cards so we got to sit on the balcony enjoying free drinks while watching the shows.

Another highlight was seeing a few "D" list celebrities. On our cruise we saw "Mad Mike" from MTV's 'Pimp My Ride' and Marcedes Lewis from the Jacksonville Jaguars.


Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Gene Machine

When we were at Dave & Buster's, they had a machine called "The Gene Machine." Ryan and I decided this would be a great opportunity to do a trial run and see what our kids would look like before giving it a go in the future. See the results below:

Hmm...maybe we should hold off on kids for
a while. (If this doesn't get our parents off
our back about kids, I don't know what will!)


Dave & Buster's

Ever since we first heard about Dave & Buster's, we've been dying to go. So last night we finally made it over there and had our night of gaming. We had a blast! I've gotta admit, that place is pretty amazing!

We didn't end up making the best deal.

One of Ryan's favorite games was a game where you have to roll your ball and make it into the hole in order to make your horse run faster and win the race. The entire time we were there, there was a little kid playing the game. He would offer a dollar to anyone who could beat him. When Ryan beat him on his first try, he offered Ryan the dollar. When Ryan refused to take it, the kid told him he was stupid for turning down the dollar when he had the chance. Ryan went on to beat the kid three out of four games, every time offering his dollar. I'm not sure whether Ryan liked playing the game or talking to the kid more. Let's just say that by the end of the night, Ryan had a new best friend.

We won some sweet prizes.


Friday, June 27, 2008

In The News...


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

We just wanted to wish our dad's a happy Father's Day! We're both so lucky to have such great dad's! Once again, here is a cake we made to celebrate the occasion! Happy Father's Day! We love you both!


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