Saturday, July 11, 2009

Finally Done!

It's been a long time coming but we FINALLY finished all of the major painting in our new house (at least for now). The master bathroom has been a thorn in our side for quite some time so we're glad to finally have it done. I think it's safe to say that we're ready to take a break from home projects for a while.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Stay Classy San Diego

For the 4th of July weekend, our friends James and Tiffany invited us to go with them on a trip to San Diego. They were invited to celebrate the holiday on a yacht with some friends and we were more than happy to tag along.

When we arrived at the yacht party, we were surprised to find 6 yachts pulled up next to each other with tons of blow-up toys out in front. The coolest toy was a huge 20 ft. iceberg you could slide down. Although the water was a little chilly, it was a total blast!

One of my favorite parts of the trip was getting to paddleboard. I've been wanting to try it for the longest time and absolutely loved it!

On Saturday we found a cool farmers market in downtown San Diego.

We finished off the trip with a ride around Coronado Island.

Thanks again James and Tiffany, we had a ton of fun!


Friday, June 26, 2009

The Call

My little brother Hunter got his mission call yesterday to the Boston Massachusetts Mission (Spanish speaking). We were a little surprised to hear that he goes into the MTC on August 5th since we had a family vacation planned to start on August 6th. Although we're sad he'll miss the trip, we're excited for his mission call and know he'll have an awesome 2 years. Congrats Hunter!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dad's Day

For Father's Day we offered to host Sunday dinner at our place this week. We had a fun time bbqing and spending time with family. I've been wanting to try out these cute Jello watermelon slices for a while now so I was super excited to finally try them out. If only fruit always tasted like Jello!

Since my little brother Hunter will be getting his mission call this week, we held a "Mission Draft" where we all selected the mission we think he'll get called to. The draft consisted of us all passing around a sheet until all 350 missions had been selected. We're expecting the call to come on Thursday or Friday so it will be exciting to see where he'll spend the next two years (and who won the draft). It was definitely a fun way to celebrate Father's day. Happy Father's Day dad McFarlane & Poulsen - we're so thankful for all you do!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer Grillin'

As a housewarming gift, Ryan's parents were nice enough to give us a brand new grill. In an effort to "break it in," we had some friends over for a summer bbq and homemade ice cream. Thanks again Dan and Mary - we love it!

Ryan had a fun time getting to play with baby Aubry



The last couple weeks we've spent our evenings painting the remaining rooms of the house. It's been A LOT of work but it's been fun seeing it all come together. Maybe one day we'll actually get it all done - yeah, right! ;-)


All Grown Up

A couple of weeks ago, Ryan and I were able to attend my little brother's high school graduation. It was rainy and humid, but it was fun getting to see him celebrate the end of his high school years.

Although I didn't get a chance to take any pictures, I was able bum a picture off my mom.
I still can't believe that my little brother is all grown up!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Home At Last...

It's been a long process, but after over a year of searching and 2 months of dealing with closing chaos, we FINALLY moved into our new home this last week. Although the home was built in 2006 and is in near perfect condition, we still have a long list of projects for the house. The project at the top of our list was a weird entertainment niche in the living room. Ever since we first saw the home, we disliked the niche and decided we wanted to take it out. Since we were going to be re-carpeting, we figured it would be best to take it out right away before we moved in our furniture.

After many long hours and the help of A LOT of family, we finally finished our renovation project. Luckily, Ryan was able to do the demolition and drywalling work himself which made the project much more affordable. And now, after a week of chaos and many late nights, we have finally finished the living room!


Mid-Project (2 days ago)


Luckily, we've had plenty of help with all our projects. With the help of our demolition team, furniture movers, cleaners, lighting guy, and drywallers (otherwise known as our families), we've been able to get quite a few of the projects done pretty quickly. This last weekend, Ryan's parents even came down to help us get settled. Although I'm pretty sure our families consider us slave drivers after this last week, we're extremely appreciative of all the hard work and long hours they put in.

In addition to our living room project, we've also been painting and re-vamping the other rooms in the house. Yesterday, we also finished our master bedroom. As we finish more rooms we'll be sure to post more pics of the house. Stay tuned...


Monday, May 11, 2009

Ryan's Little Buddy

Yesterday, Ryan and I found a baby bird that had fallen out of the tree in front of our apartment. After seeing the bird several time throughout the day, we began feeling bad and decided that we needed to do something to help. Luckily, our friends Tiffany and James had found a bird about a month ago and had the address of a couple who takes care of baby birds.

Watching the bird huddled in the corner, we decided that the least we could do was to take the bird to the shelter. So we ventured out with a box and began our adventure of trying to catch the bird and bring it into our apartment for the night. When we got it into the apartment, Ryan did his best to make the bird feel at home. Now I've always thought of myself as a pretty compassionate person, but when it comes to birds, I have to say that Ryan is MUCH more compassionate than I am.

Once we got the bird inside, Ryan crumpled up some toilet paper for a bed and even smushed up some fruit for it to eat. When we closed the door to the room it was in, Ryan thought the room seemed too dark so he put his laptop in the room so the bird wouldn't get scared. It was so cute watching Ryan going back into the room throughout the night to check on the bird.

When we woke up in the morning, Ryan was so excited to see that the bird had actually eaten his fruit concoction. On his way to work, Ryan dropped the bird off at the shelter and said goodbye to his little friend. Although it was a short-lived adventure, it was SO entertaining to watch Ryan with his "little buddy." I can't help but think that if Ryan was that compassionate with a bird, there's no doubt he's gonna be an awesome dad one day.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spring In Spokane

This last weekend we were able to go to Spokane to celebrate the wedding of Ryan's friend, Mark. Luckily, all of Ryan's siblings were also able to make it up to Spokane for the weekend. The grass was green and the weather was beautiful making an absolutely perfect weekend. The best part was getting to play with Ryan's nephew and niece!

Over the weekend, Ryan's niece Riley decided she wanted to set-up a lemonade stand. I'm pretty sure she ended up making about $5.00 for a half an hours worth of work. If only I could charm a crowd like her, I might be able to make a fortune!

Riley and Cooper are both super photogenic and love getting their picture taken. As my sister always says, cute kids make anyone look like a decent photographer.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Prom Date

Last night, Ryan and I helped my little brother ask a girl to Prom. While my brother did the shopping for the supplies, Ryan did most of the actual work. I, on the other hand, supervised the project by "testing" all of the M&M's. What can I say, Ryan has better handwriting than me and he's much more of a perfectionist than I am - he was just a better fit for the job. But now that I think about it, I probably should have been a little more concerned about how excited my husband was to ask a girl to prom. Hmmm...


Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Drive-In Bbq

Last night we went to the drive-in movies with some friends. To make the most of our "drive-in" experience, we brought along our mini grill and had a bbq during the movie. Although the wind wasn't quite as cooperative as we would've liked, it was fun getting to watch a movie under the stars.

And yes, that's an actual hammock that Tiffany and James are laying on. They took apart their hammock from home and put it together at the drive-in's. We were quite impressed by their innovation!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cleaning House

Since we will soon be moving, Ryan and I decided it was time to "clean house." And by that I mean having Ryan go through all of his old boxes and throw stuff away. Growing up, I was known for being a total pack-rat. If you ask my mom, she will tell you that I kept everything because I felt like it all had some kind of sentimental value. As I've gotten older and have had to move around for college, I've developed a strict rule that if I haven't used it in the last 6-months, it needs to go.

The last couple times we've gone to visit Ryan's parents, Ryan has brought home his boxes with all of his stuff from his mission and from when he was a kid. As much fun as it is to look through all his old stuff and relive his childhood, the time has come to sift through the boxes and throw away the stuff he'll never use. Although Ryan didn't enjoy our little "cleaning party" as much as I did, it was absolutely hilarious to see all of the stuff that he's kept over the years. Keep in mind that he's already gone through these boxes twice in the last 2 years and this is some of the stuff that he's kept:

In case you were wondering, yes, that IS a Velcro wallet with his name on it. If he were to use that in the next 6 months, I think I'd be a little concerned.

I don't know who this Brazilian girl is but I think I should be worried. He was pretty adamant that she not get thrown away. And yes, he won that battle. It looks like this mystery woman will be living with us a while longer.

When asked where "My Buddy" is that goes with these overalls, his exact reply was, "I don't know, but that's all I have left of him." (This particular fight went on for quite a while.)


A Place of Our Own

Although we never thought the day would come, we have FINALLY found a house. The offer has been accepted, the terms have been negotiated, and the inspections are done! We will officially close on May 21 and are extremely excited. It will be nice to finally have a place of our own!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our Home Search...

When we graduated, we thought we'd move down to AZ, buy a house and start "real life" in our new home. Apparently, life doesn't always go according to plan...

Started our home search in April '08.
Looked at over 60 homes in 3 months.
Put our first offer on a home.
Never heard back from the bank about our offer.
Looked at another 40 homes.
Put in 2 more offers on homes.
Had both offers rejected due to multiple offers on the homes.
Looked at another 15 homes.
Found nothing we liked.
Put our homes search on hold for a couple months.
Started our home search again.
Looked at another 20 homes.
Found a great deal on a fixer-upper.
Put an offer on the fixer-upper.
Got in a bidding war over the fixer-upper and gave up.
Found out the home sold for only $5k more than our highest bid.
Looked at another 20 homes.
Found another home we liked.
Home was a short sale so we didn't bother with it.
Found out the home went under contract the next day.
Found another home in the same neighborhood.
Put an offer on it.
Liked the home but didn't feel right about the area.
Withdrew our offer 2 days before offer would've been accepted.
Looked at another 15 homes.
Found our perfect home.
Found out it went under contract the same day we found it.
Looked at every home in that neighborhood.
Found two homes we liked.
Picked one and put in an offer.
Had our offer accepted.
Jumped for joy.
Had a home inspection done.
Found water damage.
Asked the bank to pay to repair the water damage.
Waiting to hear back from the bank.

And so here we are, 1 year, over 150 homes, and 6 offers later and pretty much nowhere. Talk about a patient realtor... (thanks Ann).


Aubry Elise

On Thursday afternoon, my friend Hanna had her first baby, little Aubry Elise. Look at that head of hair!


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