Showing posts with label Spokane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spokane. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Spokane Fun

We have had a ton of fun in Spokane! The weather has been perfect so we've made sure to make the most of our time by hitting up all of the best parks and outdoor activities for kids!


Riverfront Park

On Tuesday we spent the day celebrating Ryan's sister's birthday in Spokane's Riverfront Park. This park is huge and has all the makings of a great park - a river with ducks, a carousel, a giant Radio Flyer, and a small theme park! Let's just say that by the end of the day we were all exhausted!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hoopfest 2011

Each year Spokane hosts the world's largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament. For the event, they shut down all of the roads in the downtown area and turn the streets into hundreds of mini basketball courts. This year they had:

7,046 Teams
27,876 Players
458 Courts
485 Brackets
3,000 Volunteers
14,000 Games

Ryan has talked this event up for years but I was totally amazed at the actual size of the tournament. They literally turn the city into one big "Hoop-fest." At every corner we turned there was another long row of basketball hoops along with hundreds of players and spectators. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen!


Off to Spokane

On Friday it was time to beat the heat and head to Spokane for some much needed R&R with Ryan's family. But before we could relax, Maeli made sure to work us hard on the trip there. This girl was impossible to keep up with! While she wasn't too fond of the airplane ride itself, she LOVED the airports! I'm pretty sure she touched, licked, grabbed, and ate everything that a human being shouldn't.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Catching Up

We always look forward to going to Spokane to spend time with old friends. Ryan's friend Lance got married while we were there so Ryan got to spend some quality time with the boys. They had fun hanging out and playing videos games late into the night. We wish we were able to see everyone more often, but it was fun getting to catch up while we were there!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Holiday Festivities

While in Spokane, we also got to help Ryan's family decorate for Christmas. We turned on the holiday music, whipped out the Christmas decorations, and made an event of it. It's always fun getting to be a part of the McFarlane holiday festivities!


Keeping Us On Our Toes

One of the highlights of our trip to Spokane was getting to spend time with Ryan's nephew and niece. Riley and Cooper are a total blast and always keep us on our toes. In the week that we were there, I can't even begin to list all of the crazy things they did. Let's just say that every day was new and exciting with them around.


Doughnuts & Apple Cider

This year we went to Spokane to spend Thanksgiving with Ryan's family. The day after we got there, we traveled several hours to visit Ryan's relatives in a town called Manson. While there, we actually got to help make Ryan's family's famous "apple cider."

We first went to Ryan's great aunt's house where we made homemade doughnuts. Although I'm not a huge doughnut fan, these doughnuts were AMAZING! After we made the doughnuts, we took them over to a big warehouse where we had a huge "cider making party." It was a little messy but it was a total blast. As expected, the cider was the best apple cider I've ever tried. It's times like those that make me really appreciate having married into a family that has so many cool traditions.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Trip to Spokane

Due to the passing of his aunt, Ryan went home to Spokane for the weekend. Although the trip was on account of a sad occasion, it was a great opportunity for Ryan to spend time with his family. Since the trip was so last minute, Ryan went alone while I stayed behind and worked (lucky me, right?).

Ryan had a fun time just getting to spend time with his family. He was especially excited that his nephew and niece were there. Between family, friends, and sports, I'm pretty sure Ryan didn't even have time to miss me. ;-) Oh well...hopefully I can go next time!


Sunday, March 16, 2008

2nd Attempt

This last weekend was a ton of fun as we were able to hang out with Ryan's friends and family. Continuing with our Spokane tradition, we went to Cour d'Alene to gorge out on ice cream. Being the trooper that I am, I decided to make a second attempt at the magnificent "Gooey." Once again, I failed the challenge, but I did get a lot closer this time around. As always, Ryan finished his "Gooey" without any problems and I got about 3 bites away from my goal. I know, I know, 3 bites seems like nothing, but after eating all of that ice cream let's see how easy it is for you to eat those last three bites!

Mine: (I never thought the day would come that I would look at ice cream and want to puke)


Weekend Fun

This last weekend was our last weekend visiting Spokane before our big move. The weekend was a ton of fun since Ryan's sister also went home so we could spend the weekend with her kids. As always, Ryan's nephew and niece were the highlight of the weekend. Yesterday alone, Ryan's niece put glitter all over the house, cut her hair, and said the dinner prayer in her own made-up language. Let's just say that life's always interesting with the kids are around!


Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Gooey...

One of our favorite things to do in Washington is visit the restaurant, "Dockside" at the Coeur d'Alene Resort. The restaurant has huge ice cream sundae's called "Gooey's." Now in the past, me and Ryan have always shared one of these over-sized deserts. However, this time we decided to take on the challenge of eating one on our own. I felt pretty confident about halfway through the sundae, but soon after I began to feel the wrath of "The Gooey." I honestly tried my best but despite my effort, I was unable to finish the last 8 bites or so. In my defense, I'm sure that I could've finished the rest if I pushed myself even more, but I feared that I wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time if I tried. So today I am sad to admit that I failed the Gooey challenge while Ryan passed with flying colors. While finishing a Gooey may not be the best new years resolution, it sure was a great way to kick of the new year! Then again, there's always next time...


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