Sunday, June 27, 2010

Movie Night

Our friends Mike & Alecia have a sibling who owns a company that specializes in home theater installations. At their office, they have a small theater they use for showcasing their products. As payback for a favor, they lent our friends the theater for the night and let us have our own movie night. The night was spent playing Xbox, watching movies, and binging on theater popcorn and candy. It was great getting to watch movies on the big screen while lounging in their giant recliners. Overall, I think it's safe to say that movie night was a success!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

One Last Hoorah

In an effort to celebrate our final "freedom" before becoming parents, Ryan and I planned a trip to the Bahamas with our friends Melanie and Jared who are expecting a baby in September. Although it probably wasn't the smartest idea to plan the trip for when I was 6-month's pregnant, I think it's pretty safe to say that the trip was a success!

We quickly learned that being pregnant is not a very common thing in the Bahamas - and having two of us didn't help. You would've thought that we were celebrities with the amount of attention people gave us.

On several occasions we ventured over to the Atlantis resort to explore their aquariums. I'm pretty sure we saw it all - we even found Nemo!

Although we were out of the country, the boys made sure that we found a place to watch the Sun's playoff game. I think they may have regretted it a bit when the Sun's ended up losing.

Since everyone has been bugging me for a picture of my "belly," I figured I'd snap one while we were on our trip. Looking pretty good for 6-month's, eh? ;-)

One of the days we ventured out and did some shopping in the city of Nassau. My favorite stop was at the local Straw Market where we were able to test out our bartering skills.

On our last day of the trip, we took a boat out to Rose Island where we spent the day snorkeling and relaxing on a private beach. The weather was perfect and it was a nice end to a great vacation. The best part of the vacation by far was getting to spend some one-on-one time with Ryan. Now it's time to bring on the baby!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rattler's Game

This last weekend, Arizona's indoor football team, The Rattlers, gave away free tickets to their first game. Always being up for some cheap entertainment, we went to the game with Ryan's brothers and their wives. We're not huge indoor football fans, but it was pretty entertaining watching our sister-in-law Cami make it on the jumbo-tron twice. In fact, BOTH of Ryan's brothers and their wives ended up on the "Kiss-Cam." Apparently Ryan and I don't put off the "kissing" vibe. I guess that's what three years of marriage will do to you. ;-)


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Our Gummy Bear

Oh, and it's a GIRL!!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

1st Project of 2010

At the beginning of the new year, Ryan and I committed to checking more home projects off our to-do list. One of our most recent projects has been to paint and finish up our loft. It took a while, but after a lot of hard work, we can officially check it off our list. One down, only a hundred more to go! ;-)




Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Nice Break

I know it's been a while since I last blogged but life has been a little crazy lately. This last week provided a nice break from normal life as my sister Adrienne and her 2 kids came to town. Luckily, I was able to take a couple of days off of work and spend some time with my 3 favorite people. As usual, we did plenty of shopping, eating, and watching trash tv. ;-)

On their last day here, we had a bbq in the perfect AZ weather. We all had fun hangin' with the kids and watching Brooklen pig out on Cheetos (in case you can't tell).

Ryan and I always look forward to when Adrienne and the kids come to town. It's always sad to see them go but we're already counting down the days until their next visit!


Friday, January 22, 2010

Turning 24

This last week we celebrated my friend Jessica's 24th b-day. 24 years old!! Where does the time go!?! Happy b-day Jess!


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Airport Fiasco

On our way to Spokane, our flight from Phoenix to Denver got delayed causing us to miss our connecting flight to Spokane. After waiting at the airport for 2 1/2 hours and standing in the customer service line for another hour and a half, the airline told us that they would put us on standby for the next morning but most likely wouldn't be able to get us there until Christmas day. Obviously, we were quite disturbed by their response to our situation and when we began getting frustrated with them, they told us to get out of line. After more arguing we realized that we weren't getting anywhere and decided to wait for the standby flight the next morning.

After scouring the airport, we found a little nook behind a pillar and camped out for the next 8 hours. After a few more flight delays, a soda spill on the plane, and almost 24 hours of traveling, we made it to Spokane and were able to start our vacation. Lesson learned...NEVER fly during the holidays.

Our home away from home


Christmas In Spokane

This year we spent Christmas in Spokane with Ryan's family. Since two of his brother's recently got married, his parents' house was even more full than usual. With 11 adults, 4 kids, and an overly excited dog, the house was quite "busy."

Altogether, we were able to spend 10 straight days in Spokane. Some of the highlights of the trip were:

Celebrating Ryan's mom's birthday

Christmas morning

Playing with Ryan's nephews and niece's

Going to all of our favorite places to eat

Altogether, the trip was a blast. Thanks to the McFarlane family for a great holiday vacation!


Our Pre-Christmas

Since we spent Christmas with Ryan's family this year, we celebrated Christmas a few days early with my parents. The highlight of the night was definitely getting to see my dad's face when he opened his gift from us kids. We got him a muscle stimulator to play Jenga with so you can shock people as they go to reach for the tiles. I have never seen my dad laugh so hard! Totally priceless!


Monday, December 21, 2009

Wedding #2

This last weekend, Ryan's brother Rob got married in the Mesa temple. Amazingly, they were able to plan the entire wedding in only 6 weeks. Although they had a short time to plan, the wedding and reception turned out great! Congrats Rob & Cami - we're so excited for you guys!


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Custom Homes

Since being married, we've made it a tradition to decorate gingerbread houses each year. This year, Ryan and the boys decided they wanted to be more creative and skip the gingerbread "kits" so we could create "custom" homes with graham crackers. The project quickly turned into a serious task complete with a hot glue gun, "support systems," and some serious graham cracker cutting. Who knew that a candy house could turn into such a serious project!


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