Monday, August 17, 2009

Family Vacation - Part III

Some other highlights of the trip included rafting, hiking, lounging by the fire, and...

The beach at Lake Tahoe

Pony riding

Hanging out with our new niece, Hurley

Thanks again for the great vacation Mom and Dad! We had a blast!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Family Vacation - Part II

One of the days during our family vacation, we decided to go down to San Francisco to spend a day in the city. We started the day off at the Pier and made our way through the city stopping at Ghiradelli's and China Town.

As always, our nephew, Brooklen, got a ton of attention on the streets as he routinely "put on a show" for everyone around. Although the only attention he really cared for was his parents, it was fun watching San Francisco's newest street performer. At one corner, we came across a man who was playing the saxophone. When Brooklen heard the music he started dancing all over the place. When his parents gave him a dollar to give the guy, the man gave the money right back saying that Brooklen was the one who really deserved the money.


Family Vacation - Part 1

For the Poulsen family vacation this year, my parents rented an awesome house in Lake Tahoe for a week. Although it was a little bitter-sweet since my parents had just dropped my brother off at the MTC, it was fun getting the rest of the family together for some much needed R&R.

One of the days, we ventured out to the river to spend some time fishing. While we didn't have much luck with the fish, later in the day, a whole family of deer came down to the water and were hanging out about 200 feet from us. I didn't have my camera on me at the time, but it was definitely a sight to see.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day at Lagoon

Ever since Ryan and I met, he's always talked about the theme park "Lagoon." Since we were going to be in Utah for his family reunion, we decided to stay an extra day so we could spend my b-day at the theme park.

We started the day off with lunch at a great Mexican food restaurant called "Javier's" where we got the most amazing dessert nachos. After stuffing ourselves even more with cake, we headed off to Lagoon where rode away the day on the park's roller coasters. After an afternoon at the park, we jetted off to the airport just in time to make our flight back home. Thank you to all of the McFarlane's for making my b-day so great!

Some of Ryan's siblings and cousins that joined us for our Lagoon adventure.

The boys were braver than the rest of us and decided to do the "Human Catapult." Right before they flung them into the air, we watched Ryan on the video camera saying, "I immediately regret this decision." ;-)


England Family Reunion '09

We spent the majority of the reunion at Ryan's cousin Kara's house just swimming, eating, and spending time with family. I say it all the time and I'll say it again...Ryan has an awesome family. We loved getting to spend time with them!

As always, Ryan's nephew and niece wore us out with their never-ending energy. (Hats off to the parents out there who chase their kids around all day long. Twenty minutes of repetitive activities pretty much did us in.)


Pioneer Days Rodeo

This last weekend we attended Ryan's family reunion up in Utah. When we got up there on Friday night we went to the Ogden Pioneer Days Rodeo with Ryan's family. It was fun getting to watch the bull riding and getting to do some good "people watching." Ryan's nephew and niece especially loved watching the horses and calves.


Monday, July 20, 2009

The Send-Off Party

This past weekend we had a send-off party for my little brother Hunter. I still can't believe that he leaves for the mission in only 2 more weeks. Although I didn't remember to whip out my camera until later in the evening, I was still able to get a few pictures of some family and friends that stopped by.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Finally Done!

It's been a long time coming but we FINALLY finished all of the major painting in our new house (at least for now). The master bathroom has been a thorn in our side for quite some time so we're glad to finally have it done. I think it's safe to say that we're ready to take a break from home projects for a while.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Stay Classy San Diego

For the 4th of July weekend, our friends James and Tiffany invited us to go with them on a trip to San Diego. They were invited to celebrate the holiday on a yacht with some friends and we were more than happy to tag along.

When we arrived at the yacht party, we were surprised to find 6 yachts pulled up next to each other with tons of blow-up toys out in front. The coolest toy was a huge 20 ft. iceberg you could slide down. Although the water was a little chilly, it was a total blast!

One of my favorite parts of the trip was getting to paddleboard. I've been wanting to try it for the longest time and absolutely loved it!

On Saturday we found a cool farmers market in downtown San Diego.

We finished off the trip with a ride around Coronado Island.

Thanks again James and Tiffany, we had a ton of fun!


Friday, June 26, 2009

The Call

My little brother Hunter got his mission call yesterday to the Boston Massachusetts Mission (Spanish speaking). We were a little surprised to hear that he goes into the MTC on August 5th since we had a family vacation planned to start on August 6th. Although we're sad he'll miss the trip, we're excited for his mission call and know he'll have an awesome 2 years. Congrats Hunter!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dad's Day

For Father's Day we offered to host Sunday dinner at our place this week. We had a fun time bbqing and spending time with family. I've been wanting to try out these cute Jello watermelon slices for a while now so I was super excited to finally try them out. If only fruit always tasted like Jello!

Since my little brother Hunter will be getting his mission call this week, we held a "Mission Draft" where we all selected the mission we think he'll get called to. The draft consisted of us all passing around a sheet until all 350 missions had been selected. We're expecting the call to come on Thursday or Friday so it will be exciting to see where he'll spend the next two years (and who won the draft). It was definitely a fun way to celebrate Father's day. Happy Father's Day dad McFarlane & Poulsen - we're so thankful for all you do!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer Grillin'

As a housewarming gift, Ryan's parents were nice enough to give us a brand new grill. In an effort to "break it in," we had some friends over for a summer bbq and homemade ice cream. Thanks again Dan and Mary - we love it!

Ryan had a fun time getting to play with baby Aubry


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