Thursday, February 23, 2012

Interview With "Our" 18-Month-Old

Oh, and it's a...BOY


Monday, February 20, 2012

"Zoo Girl"

Since starting his MBA program a month and a half ago, Ryan has not been around much for us to spend time together as a family. Because he had the day off of work for President's day, we figured it would be the perfect time to hit up the zoo as a family.

Those who know Maeli know that she is absolutely OBSESSED with animals. She has gotten great at making animal sounds and loves being close to them every chance she gets. She loved looking at all the animals and mimicking their sounds. And of course, the best part for Ryan and I was just getting to watch her reactions to the animals. I guess it's a good thing we finally got a zoo pass because I have a feeling we'll be having regular playdates with our animal friends at the zoo.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Won't Dad Be Proud

Those who know Ryan know that he is a total Lego enthusiast. He may be "all grown up," but as soon as you give him Lego's he turns right back into a kid. In the past Maeli has never shown much interest in Lego's other than knocking down the things that Ryan builds. But lately she has actually begun stacking them herself. Today she played with them for over an hour and broke down crying when we had to put them away. Won't her dad be proud. ;-)


Saturday, January 28, 2012


Now that the weather is perfect here in AZ, Maeli is completely obsessed with parks - specifically SWINGS. If I let her, she could probably swing for hours at a time. Let's just say that I am developing some serious arm muscles. Anyone know of a good swing-pusher for hire?


Just Cruisin'

Last week we went on a weekend cruise to Ensenada with friends. Although the weather wasn't quite what we had hoped for, it was so much fun getting to hang out without the kids for a couple of days. Some highlights of the trip included:

  • Going to the flee market and enjoying Costco-like samples from the vendors
  • Late night comedy shows with "DJ Lance"
  • Embracing our indecisiveness by ordering multiple entrees & appetizers including crocodile fritters and duck
  • Ryan being able to eat all the seafood he wanted
  • Our romantic suite complete with bunk beds

Our cheesy prom pose


Monday, January 16, 2012

Killing Time

What do you do when you have an hour to kill before bedtime?

Give your toddler a bouncy ball on the tile floor and let the fun begin!


Saturday, January 7, 2012


The new trend at our house? Eating ROCKS! Go ahead and try it - all the cool kids are doing it!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Spoiled Rotten

This year Maeli got completely spoiled for Christmas! We celebrated Christmas several days early with my family since Ryan's family was going to be in town on the actual holiday. Maeli's favorite toy from my parents was a Rock 'n Roll Elmo. She was so excited when she saw it - she immediately laughed and hugged it!
Maeli's favorite gift on Christmas morning was a big red wagon from Ryan's parents. The wagon has now become Maeli's primary form of transportation. And since it was advertised as having "off-road" tires, we of course have had to test it out on some pretty rugged terrain. Since we bought Maeli a kitchen set several months ago, we decided to theme her gifts around accessories for the kitchen. Between pots and pans, utensils, play food, and aprons I think her kitchen is now more fully stocked than mine.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

On Christmas Eve my dad took the kids horseback riding. Have I mentioned that Maeli is completely obsessed with horses? Every time we go over to my parents house, Maeli insists on going out to see the horses multiple times. She recently began riding them with my Dad and now cries every time she has to get off.

Later that night the kids did a live nativity for the whole family. Being the flashy girl that she is, Maeli was awarded the role of a wise man. The nativity was a little chaotic but was the perfect way to end our Christmas Eve.


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