Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Trip To Michigan

This last weekend I was able to go and visit my sister Adrienne in Michigan. Her husband was out of town on a hunting trip so we were able to spend a little quality time together. While there, we did some shopping, eating, and just basically hung out. The trip was a blast and went by WAY too quick.

On Sunday morning Adrienne had to leave for a while and left me with her son, Brooklen. When we were playing with a ball, Brooklen was running after it and tripped with his face falling right into the corner of a wall. The fall ended up splitting open his lip. It didn't look that bad from far away, but up close the cut looked pretty deep. Later that afternoon we ended up taking him to the hospital to get 2 stitches. Of course, I felt horrible. To all those people who are always asking me why we haven't had kids yet - I think it's pretty self explanatory.

Despite our little "mishap," the trip was a total blast! It was great to be able to take a vacation and spend a little 1-on-1 time with my sister. Thanks for the great trip Adrienne!

He loved the numbing solution they had us put on his lips

When mom whips out her mop, so does Brooklen


Friday, October 17, 2008

Kicking Off the Holiday Season

Ryan and I both agree that October through December is the best time of the year. We love celebrating all of the holidays in any way that we can. This year, to kick off the Halloween season, we decided to have a night of pumpkin carving. As you can see in the picture, we're a little rusty. If it weren't for Ryan and his excellent carving skills, it would've been A LOT worse. Thanks to Lara and John for kicking off the holiday season with us.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Latest Project

It's been a while since we last posted because our free time the last couple of weeks has been completely consumed by our latest project. We decided it was time to turn our extra bedroom into an actual "guest bedroom." Most of you probably already know that we are totally cheap and look for deals on absolutely everything we buy. Rather than buying a brand new bed, we decided we would buy a bed frame off of Craigslist and just refinish it.

In the first picture below you can see the "before" picture from Craigslist and in the second picture you can see our completed bed. $150 bedframe and 30 hours of work later, I think it's pretty safe to say that we will NEVER do a project like that again.



Saturday, September 27, 2008

Boys & Girls Weekend

This weekend Ryan went up to the "Roundup" with my Dad and little brother, Hunter. The boys had a fun time wrestling the calves down so they could be branded and castrated. Although Ryan came back sunburned and tired, he's already counting down the days until the next time he gets to play "cowboy."

While Ryan was away, I got to have a night out with the girls. It was so fun getting to catch up with everyone! Of the 7 friends at dinner - 5 are married, 2 are pregnant, 2 have graduated from college, and 2 just bought homes. Talk about a change from 4 and half years ago when we were graduating from high school. It's amazing how we can go so long without seeing each other, but when we finally get together, we're able to pick-up right where we left off. It really makes you appreciate having good friends!

Look how far we've come:


Thursday, September 25, 2008

All In A Day's Work

Last week Ryan went on a business trip to Santa Clara. He spent the first two days in long meetings and the third day at sea. On Thursday, his group spent the day deep sea fishing on the San Fransisco Bay. Ryan was able to fish by Alcatraz and under the Bay Bridge. His proudest moment was when the group caught a leopard shark! Once again, it was weird being without him but I'm glad he had a blast!

The Intel Gang


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jessica Simpson Concert

Last night, Jessica Simpson had a concert after the Diamondbacks game. Our friends Tiffini and James invited us to go so we figured it would be a good way to change things up. We showed up at the game around the 7th inning to catch the end of the game before Jessica went on (obviously, we're HUGE Diamondbacks fans). After waiting through extra innings for the concert to begin, we realized that she was performing songs off her new country album. Besides not being huge country fans, we were less than impressed by her long stories between each song explaining what each song was about. After the 4th or 5th song we decided we'd had enough Jessica for the night and left. I'm not sure exacty why we went out of our way to see Jessica Simpson perform live, but I think from here on out we'll stick to watching Jessica in reruns of "Newlyweds."


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rocky Point

This last weekend we celebrated Ryan and my brother Hunter's b-days. To celebrate, we planned a trip to Rocky Point, Mexico.

Ryan and I, along with several of our family and friends, rented a gorgeous condo right on the beach.

While we were there, Hunter and Ryan were able to parasail for their first time. They both had a blast getting to see Mexico from a new perspective.

On Saturday, Hunter turned the big 1-8. I can't believe my little brother is officially an adult! It's weird to think that he'll be graduating from high school this year. They grow up so fast...

Of course, one of the best things about going to Mexico is getting to eat the delicious Mexican food. The food was absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

The last night we were there, we bought some fireworks and the boys made their own fireworks show. I've gotta say, I'm a little confused by the show since all of the shows I've seen in the past consisted of shooting fireworks into the sky as opposed to AT one another!

I'm so glad we were able to go to Mexico for Ryan's 25th. I can't wait to celebrate another 50+ years of birthdays with Ryan! Happy B-Day Ry! I love you!


Monday, September 1, 2008

End Of Summer

When we got married, Ryan received a shotgun from some of his friends as his "getting married" gift. After having to deal with me hassling him about not using it for almost 2 years, he was finally able to test it out. To celebrate Labor Day (or the "end of summer" according to our friend Tiffany), we went shooting with some of our friends. After the morning of shooting, we went over to our friends' house for a bbq and more Wii Fit. Although it was WAY too hot to be outside shooting guns, it was fun getting out and practicing our shooting skills. 


Wii Fit

Our latest obsession has been our new Wii Fit. For those of you who don't know, the "Fit" is a new game that you can buy for the Nintendo Wii which includes a balance board that you stand on as you play the games. The activities you can do with the board range from yoga to snowboarding to our new favorite, "hula hooping." Besides being totally addictive, the game has proven to be very entertaining for large groups because it makes everyone look totally dumb (see the videos and pics below).


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Trip to Spokane

Due to the passing of his aunt, Ryan went home to Spokane for the weekend. Although the trip was on account of a sad occasion, it was a great opportunity for Ryan to spend time with his family. Since the trip was so last minute, Ryan went alone while I stayed behind and worked (lucky me, right?).

Ryan had a fun time just getting to spend time with his family. He was especially excited that his nephew and niece were there. Between family, friends, and sports, I'm pretty sure Ryan didn't even have time to miss me. ;-) Oh well...hopefully I can go next time!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Chick Flick

This weekend both Ryan and my dad were out of town so my Mom and I decided it would be the perfect time to see "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2." We saw the movie on Friday night and spent the rest of the weekend eating, shopping, and just hanging out. The movie was a complete "chick flick" and TOTALLY cheesy and I loved it! If you saw the first one and thought it was cheesy, be prepared for some major cheese in the second one! Overall, it was fun just getting to hang out with my Mom! Thanks for the great weekend Mom!


Sunday, August 17, 2008


Yesterday was a special "Intel Family Day" at the Arizona Science Center so Ryan got 4 free admissions to the museum. Since Ryan had never been and I haven't been in years, we decided we would be crazy not to take advantage of the free trip. So we recruited a couple of our friends and made a day of it. We started the afternoon off going to a little Mexican restaurant in the ghetto of downtown Phoenix. The people were interesting, the restaurant was totally unsanitary, and the food was great (thanks for suggesting it James)!

After leaving the restaurant, we headed over to the science center for an afternoon of science. When we got to the center our friend Tiffany worked her magic and got us free admittance to the new "Grossology" exhibit. The exhibit was all about burping, pooping, and all of the other gross things the human body does. You can imagine what a fun time we had with that! One of the booths focused solely on the different smells of the human body. It consisted of four different pumps that squirted out different smells. Our job was to guess which smell went with which body part. In case you can't tell from the picture below, the four body parts were: mouth, armpits, feet, and anus. Yeah, that's right, we were the lucky ones who got to smell the anus! Let's just say that the exhibit definitely lived up to it's name and was extremely GROSS!! All in all, the afternoon was a total blast and you better believe we'll be hitting it up again in the near future!


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