Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The Best Mother's Day Gift

Camp had to do an animal project for school & without hesitation said he wanted to do his report 
on ocelots. After first looking up what an ocelot was, we got started on the written portion. When 
it came time to do the poster, Maeli jumped in & helped him get it all put together. I’m pretty sure there’s no better gift for a mom than seeing her kids be sweet to one other. That’s the only Mother’s 
Day gift I need.


Sunday, February 13, 2022

Baptism Day

This handsome guy got baptized a couple of weeks ago. When we were taking his pictures I asked him to take his jacket off & he looked at me & said “What?! Then I’ll just look plain & boring!” Cooley - jacket or not, there’s nothing plain & boring about you! We love you big boy!


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

5-Year-Old Camp

Camp is always full of energy & is quite the chatterbox. He loves looking for bugs & equally likes to “bug” his siblings. He is tenderhearted and quick to apologize when he’s done something wrong. When he has something to say he usually prefaces it with “Can I tell you something?” & says “I love you” at least 5 times a day.

At bedtime last night, I was telling Camp how much I was going to miss “5-year-old Camp.” He asked me to sing him a song about it so I put my words to a made-up tune. As I finished singing, tears welled up in his eyes & he said “you’re making me cry.” He then proceeded to sing to me with the same teary eyes. The saddest part about parenting little kids is that they grow up way too fast. 🥲 Happy birthday big boy - here’s to hoping this next year goes by a whole lot slower.


Monday, January 31, 2022

The Big Eight

Cooley is our chicken nugget-obsessed, robe & slipper-wearing peacemaker who is sweet to the core. He could care less about being the center of attention & can’t be pushed to do anything he doesn’t want to do. He is a man of few words but when he does talk, his comments are always very intentional & well thought out. So thankful we get celebrate 8 years with this special guy. ❤️


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