Sunday, February 10, 2008

Winter Wonderland?

I know I've already complained about the snow this winter, but due to the large amount of snow we've received, I think I'm pretty justified in my complaints. As you can see in the pictures below, it's snowed pretty much every day this winter. And just when we think the worst is over, we jinx ourselves and another 2 feet of snow drops from the sky. We've learned that the biggest mistake we can make around here is to not drive our cars every day. Experience has taught us that if we don't move our cars every day, the snow begins to build up and our cars ends up looking like this: (By the way, these aren't our cars, luckily, our cars haven't gotten covered this bad)

And once a car gets to this point, it might as well be broken down for the rest of the winter. All I know is that whoever put the word "winter" and "wonderland" in the same sentence is absolutely out of there mind!


Monday, February 4, 2008

Bbq Wings

Ryan was raised in a home where the Superbowl was a pretty big deal. (I, on the other hand, am a bigger fan of the food than the actual game.) Growing up, one of the main highlights of the game was his moms amazing bbq wings. In order to carry on the tradition, Ryan had his mom teach him how to make the wings over Christmas break. Being the little chef that he is, Ryan spent all Saturday afternoon basting away. On Sunday we went over to a friend's house for the big game and the wings were a hit. Although I probably ate half of them myself, I think it's pretty safe to say that he's going to be cooking them a lot more often from here on out.


Monday, January 28, 2008

Doctors Appointment

Today I had an entertaining experience as I went to the doctors office. At the end of my appointment, the doctor said she wanted to take a blood test so she sent me over to the lab. I hadn't eaten anything all day and the girl drawing the blood couldn't seem to get a good vain so she kept poking me, over and over again. As I was watching her draw the blood, I could feel myself getting a little dizzy. After about 5 minutes of constant poking and prodding, she drew all the blood she needed and sent me on my way. On my way to the check-out desk, I could feel myself about to lose it. When I got about 10 feet from the check-out desk, I felt myself starting to fade out and..........BAM! I hit the floor! I must've landed pretty hard because the doctors came running from all over the office. The next thing I knew, I was waking up with blood all over my hands. Lucky for me, I was at the student health center which means they handle everything from routine check-ups to...of course, stitches. So a half an hour and 9 stitches later, I walked out of the office with a band-aid on each arm, stitches on my head, and a headache that I'll never forget. I thought I was supposed to feel better after going to the doctor.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Freezing Cold

After living in the cold for the last four years, I consider myself to be pretty well adjusted to cold weather. That is, until this last week. This week I experienced the coldest days of my life! After 4 days of temperatures ranging from -20 to -30 degrees, I have officially had my fill of winters outside of Arizona. The week was full of excitement as we began each day with a 20 minute collaborative effort of jump-starting my car due to the cold. Once we both got our cars running and out of the snow-filled parking lot, we had to deal with the pain of parking and walking to our classes in the unbearable cold. After one day of not wearing gloves, I'm pretty sure I developed a mild case of frostbite. The good news is that today warmed up to a balmy 16 degrees. After this last week of pure winter bliss, I think it's pretty safe to say that we're ready for an Arizona winter!


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