Thursday, March 8, 2012

Zoo Days


Monday, February 27, 2012

Silly Girl...


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Interview With "Our" 18-Month-Old

Oh, and it's a...BOY


Monday, February 20, 2012

"Zoo Girl"

Since starting his MBA program a month and a half ago, Ryan has not been around much for us to spend time together as a family. Because he had the day off of work for President's day, we figured it would be the perfect time to hit up the zoo as a family.

Those who know Maeli know that she is absolutely OBSESSED with animals. She has gotten great at making animal sounds and loves being close to them every chance she gets. She loved looking at all the animals and mimicking their sounds. And of course, the best part for Ryan and I was just getting to watch her reactions to the animals. I guess it's a good thing we finally got a zoo pass because I have a feeling we'll be having regular playdates with our animal friends at the zoo.


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