Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Everything Tastes Better On A Stick

Let me first say that I've been told many times that I'm not the most "conventional" mom. From wheeling my daughter around in a wheelchair at the airport to dressing her up in doll clothes, I'm very well aware of the fact that I often do weird things to entertain my child.

On one particular day, Maeli "decked" herself out in jewelry right before we went outside to play. When meal time rolled around, she refused to eat because she was too busy playing with a stick. In an effort to get her to eat, I decided to pop the food onto her stick. I know it's not the most sanitary thing, but she was completely enthralled and gobbled the food right up. She then proceeded to eat the entire meal off her stick. I know that the day will soon come when I won't be able to win any battles with this girl so I'd like to make note of this small victory. Until next time, Maeli Grace!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Busy Weekend

This last weekend was a busy one with us visiting the Phoenix Children's Museum on Friday night and Schnepf Farms on Saturday. Since the museum hosts a free night on the first Friday of every month, the museum was totally packed. We went with some friends in the ward and I think we were all pretty exhausted after trying to keep track of our kids in the madhouse.

On Saturday we toned things down a bit by visiting Queen Creek's main attraction, Schnepf Farms. The weather was perfect and Maeli enjoyed a day of train rides, giant slides, pig races, a petting zoo, and most importantly, playing in the dirt. And to wrap up the fun, Maeli got to pick out her very own pumpkin. It was a busy weekend but was the perfect way to kick off the holiday season!


Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Think We Need Grass...


Pigtails & Painted Nails

Our little girl is growing up into a full-blown toddler! And now she has pigtails to prove it!


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