Sunday, January 20, 2008

Guitar Hero Masters

One of my pet peeves if when people ask me the question, "What are your hobbies?" As if it already isn't sad enough that I don't have any interesting talents or hobbies, this questions forces me to publicly state that I am talentless, or at least I was. For Christmas, Ryan's parents gave us Guitar Hero III for Nintendo Wii. Although we may not be good at the actual guitar, we have both have found a special interest in this remarkable game. Yep, that's right, we are guilty of spending many late nights playing this game. Besides the fact that we feel really cool getting to play our very own guitar (customized with Guitar Hero stickers), we've actually turned out to be pretty good at. So from here on out, if anyone asks me what my hobbies are, I'm going to be forced to tell them that I am a Guitar Hero Master!


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Playing House

Over Christmas break we were able to play house and fully embrace our "uncle, aunt" roles. The trip ended up being pretty affordable as the kids entertained us most of the time. However, the trip made us come to the realization that when we do have kids, we're going to have some stiff competition, considering the fact that our nephews and niece are pretty much the cutest kids ever!

For Christmas, we received baby clothes from Ryan's parents. I think they might be trying to tell us something. But as much fun as we had with our nephew's and niece, I think the trip made us realize one very important thing...parenthood can WAIT! (Sorry mom and dad.)


Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Gooey...

One of our favorite things to do in Washington is visit the restaurant, "Dockside" at the Coeur d'Alene Resort. The restaurant has huge ice cream sundae's called "Gooey's." Now in the past, me and Ryan have always shared one of these over-sized deserts. However, this time we decided to take on the challenge of eating one on our own. I felt pretty confident about halfway through the sundae, but soon after I began to feel the wrath of "The Gooey." I honestly tried my best but despite my effort, I was unable to finish the last 8 bites or so. In my defense, I'm sure that I could've finished the rest if I pushed myself even more, but I feared that I wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time if I tried. So today I am sad to admit that I failed the Gooey challenge while Ryan passed with flying colors. While finishing a Gooey may not be the best new years resolution, it sure was a great way to kick of the new year! Then again, there's always next time...


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Battle in Seattle

This year we cherished our Christmas break as it was our last official holiday break as college students. Vacations have become highly valued as graduation approaches and we face the reality that week-long vacations will be much more of a rare occurrence in the future. Now if you don't know this already, Ryan is a die-hard Gonzaga basketball fan. However, as much as he loves their basketball team, he's never had the opportunity to go to one of their games. As a result, for Christmas his family got us and all of his siblings tickets to a basketball tournament in Seattle where Gonzaga was playing. So this last Saturday we got up early and flew over to Seattle to spend the day in the city and attend the game. Although we didn't get to spend a ton of time in the city, we did get to go down to the famous fish market, Pike's Place Market. A little later in the day we attended the game and Ryan finally got to see his team in action. To Ryan's disappointment, Gonzaga didn't win the game but we had a great time visiting the city and getting to spend time with his siblings.


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