Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Shady Lady


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Egg Hunting 101

1. To maximize candy consumption, crack open and devour the candy immediately upon finding the eggs.

2. Once consumed, leave the empty plastic eggs behind so you have room for more eggs in your basket.

3. If it's taking too long to remove the wrappers, simply pop the candy into your mouth with the wrapper still intact. (It all goes to the same place, right?)

When your parents tell you no more candy, hurry and shove a couple more pieces in your mouth before they can stop you.

5. When caught in the act, simply act surprised and yell, "Yeeeeah!"


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Training

Taking our 20-month old to spring training on a warm spring day sounded like the perfect afternoon...in theory. In reality...not so much.

Since Ryan is a huge Mariner's fan we figured that an afternoon at spring training would be a great way to spend time together as a family. What we didn't consider was that the game was an hour away and started right at "nap time." While the weather was in fact great, Maeli's disposition was not.

Luckily I took some pictures right when we got there while she was still mesmerized by the whole experience. Hopefully with some more strategic planning, next year's game will be a bit more enjoyable for us all.


Baby Love

Yesterday we babysat Maeli's cousin, Reece for the afternoon and Maeli was in total heaven! When the baby was sleeping I tried to run upstairs for a few minutes and Maeli refused to come because she didn't want to leave him. She loved giving him hugs and kisses and handing him his toys. While the excitement wore off after awhile, it was kind of surreal to think that she would be a big sister soon. Where did my baby go?!


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