Working to Improve Our Shot
Milo asked my parents for a BB gun for his birthday
this year. In the past, my mom has always handled the kids’ presents,
but this purchase had Dad written all over it. I remember him shopping
for it over vacation & Mom said he ran to the store to get BB’s the
night before his passing. It seems fitting that one of his last errands
in his time on Earth was spent doing something for one of his
grandchildren. When Milo opened the gift, his first question was who
would teach him to use it now that Grandpa was gone. It was all so
fresh, that question was only met by silence. But Ryan stepped in &
took Milo aside carefully teaching him the proper safety precautions
& how to aim & shoot the gun.
Dad did so much for us, it’s
hard to imagine life not being able to run to him for help all the time.
But just like it was time for us to step up & teach Milo to shoot
the gun ourselves, it seems like it’s finally time to step it up in all
areas of our lives. I’m grateful for the opportunity that death gives us
to re-evaluate our lives & identify areas for improvement.
Dad would’ve been so proud to see Milo’s first bullseye, but not nearly as proud as he would be to see his children striving to live up to their full potential. I know that we’ll eventually hit that ultimate bullseye & get to be with my dad again. In the meantime, we’ll just keep working to improve our shot. #FamiliesAreForever

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