
When writing the previous blog entry, I totally forgot to mention one of the best stories from graduation. One of the cool things about the BYU schools' graduations, is that they have general authorities come and speak. This year at our graduation, we had Elder Ballard as the main speaker. Now Ryan's uncle is a member of the 70 so he's met quite a few apostles, while I, on the other hand...have not. So there we were, walking out to the main floor at the beginning of commencement, and all of the faculty were lined up on the sides of the hallways clapping for us. As we walked through the hall, we were saying hi to all the teachers we had taken classes from in the past. At the end of the line, right before entering the auditorium, I saw the President of the university standing at my right, so I looked to my left to see who was standing there. As I walk past this man, I realized that it was Elder Ballard. Being totally shocked, I just stood there staring at him in total awe. More than anything, I was just surprised. I had never even been in the same room as an apostle, and "poof," there was one right next to me. After staring at him and not saying anything, he finally broke the awkwardness and said "Hi there." The moral of the story is that I will always be known as the creepy girl who just stood there totally star struck by an apostle. Let's just say that since it happened, Ryan hasn't let me forget what a total goober I looked like.
Well, that day has finally come and gone... On Friday, Ryan and I officially graduated from college. I'm not gonna lie, it's a little weird. Here we are, sitting at our apartment on a Sunday night, not knowing what to do with ourselves without homework. I'll admit, the thought of starting real life and working 8 hour days without a summer vacation, really doesn't sound too exciting. But altogether, we're excited to be moving back to the warmth and starting something new!
It was a fun weekend as we were able to spend the weekend hanging out with our parents. We definitely want to say thank you to our parents as they made the trip here to Rexburg to support us. We also want to give a special thanks to my dad for making the drive up here the day after tax season ends to help us move!
I'm a little hesitant to post these pictures simply because they make my cake look bad, but here are the pics for Ryan's final cake. The entire semester, Ryan's been embarrassed to tell people he's taking the class because the it's most commonly taken by girls. For the final project, Ryan decided to make a graduation cake. Check out Ryan's attempt at making a more "manly" cake!
For our final in cake decorating class, we had to create a 2-tier cake using some of the techniques we learned throughout the semester. For this particular cake, everything had to be made from scratch. And I mean EVERYTHING, from the cake to the frosting to the actual fondant. Yesterday I finished my cake so my teacher suggested that I display it in the bridal expo. So today we dropped the cake off at the show and got to showcase my first tiered caked. Check it out! (Pics of Ryan's cake will be coming soon.)
One of our favorite shows is "Top Chef." So you can imagine our excitement when we found out that we had to purchase chef coats for our cake decorating class. The last two weeks we've spent quite a bit of time in the school kitchen as we've been working on our big final project. I'll post the pictures of our final cakes when they're done, but in the meantime, check us out in our cool chef's coats. Can anyone say "Top Chef's?"
On Friday night we went to dinner with some of my old roommates. All I can say is that it's amazing how things change. When I first came to BYU-Idaho, my roommates and I were all 18 and 19 enjoying single life. Back then, we could care less about boys, we were much more concerned with junk food and what our weekend plans were going to be. The nice thing about living at BYU-I are that almost all of the apartment complexes have 6 people per an apartment. Since BYU-I is on the three-track system, I usually had different roommates each semester. Although each semester was remarkably different, it was always fun getting to live with new people and make new friends. Here are some stats on my past roommates:
Total roommates at BYU-I: 11
Roommates who are now married or will be this year: 7
Roommates w/ a baby: 1
Where roommates are from: Idaho, Washington, Colorado, Texas, California, Utah, and Kansas
Today I had an entertaining experience as I went to the doctors office. At the end of my appointment, the doctor said she wanted to take a blood test so she sent me over to the lab. I hadn't eaten anything all day and the girl drawing the blood couldn't seem to get a good vain so she kept poking me, over and over again. As I was watching her draw the blood, I could feel myself getting a little dizzy. After about 5 minutes of constant poking and prodding, she drew all the blood she needed and sent me on my way. On my way to the check-out desk, I could feel myself about to lose it. When I got about 10 feet from the check-out desk, I felt myself starting to fade out and..........BAM! I hit the floor! I must've landed pretty hard because the doctors came running from all over the office. The next thing I knew, I was waking up with blood all over my hands. Lucky for me, I was at the student health center which means they handle everything from routine check-ups to...of course, stitches. So a half an hour and 9 stitches later, I walked out of the office with a band-aid on each arm, stitches on my head, and a headache that I'll never forget. I thought I was supposed to feel better after going to the doctor.
Since it's our last semester here at BYU-I, we decided it was time for us to take a laid-back class that would actually be fun. After constant pushing and prodding, I finally convinced Ryan to take a cake decorating class with me. We are now going into our fourth week of the class and have come to the conclusion that while my cake decorating skills are lacking, Ryan's are superb! In my defense, Ryan's mom has been decorating cakes for about 30 years so he's grown up watching his mom. If you don't believe me, check out our first cakes. Can you guess which one is Ryan's? (This was his attempt at making rosette's and shells manly).
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