Touring Central Europe - Day 6
Stop 19 - Demel Bakery: The next morning we dropped by the well-known Demel Bakery for breakfast. While the staff was less than friendly, the kids enjoyed getting to watch the chefs work their magic in the glass-enclosed kitchen in the back of the bakery.

Stop 20 - Bratislava, Slovakia: On our way to Budapest we took a small detour to Bratislava to get a feel for the culture of Slovakia. We were impressed by the friendliness of the people we met and enjoyed all of the unique statues scattered throughout the city.
Stop 21 - Gyermekvasút Children's Railway: Upon arriving in Budapest we drove into the hills to take a ride on the Children's Railway. While waiting for the train, the kids had fun running and playing in a nearby park. The Children's Railway is unique because all of the workers are school-age children. Once the train began its journey two kids dressed in railroad uniforms came to us to collect money for our tickets. The kids only spoke a little English so we struggled to understand what they were trying to say. After a few minutes we understood that we were on the last train for the day meaning it was one-way. After we realized this, we paid the boys and got off on the second stop. We then proceeded to walk all the way back to the station we departed from since that was where our car was parked. Although it wasn't quite the experience we expected, the kids still enjoyed their "quick" ride on the train.
Stop 21 - Szechenyi Spa Baths: After getting back to our car we drove into the city centre and had dinner at a Hungarian restaurant. The food was great and affordable, but the restaurant was a bit fancier than we had expected. Maeli did great and enjoyed what she called her "fancy princess dinner." Milo was bouncing off the walls the entire time. When we finally left the restaurant we knew we needed to burn off some of that energy before heading to the hotel.
We headed over to the Szechenyi Spa Baths to take a swim in the famous thermal baths. After a chaotic change of clothes and dragging the kids out into the cold weather, we were all relieved to feel how warm the outdoor baths actually were. The kids all had so much fun and Cooley especially loved it as it was his first time swimming.
Things seemed to be going great until I decided to take Milo's over-sized diaper off of him. A few minutes later I noticed him making a pooping face and asking him what he was doing. I quickly got my answer as I felt his swimsuit and could tell he had pooped. After running him back into the building and cleaning him up in the bathroom, we came back out and he began playing again. While playing, he ended up swallowing some water and started gagging and ended up throwing up in the pool as well. When we were finally done swimming we had to get all of the kids out of the water, run through the cold, and get all of us changed back into layers of winter clothing in one small dressing room. After all of that and having Milo poop, throw up, and lose his wristband in the water, I think we can safely say that we had a "memorable" experience at the baths.
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