Back to London - Day 1
Stop 1 - Portobello Market: Our first stop in London was the Portobello Market in Notting Hill. The market was packed but we enjoyed getting to stroll through the streets browsing the various stalls. My dad mentioned to Maeli that one of the hats at a stall looked like "Ella the Elephant's" hat. Once she heard that, it was all she could talk about. Needless to say, she ended up leaving the market as the proud new owner of an "Ella the Elephant" hat.

Stop 2 - Hamley's Toy Store: Returning to London we obviously could not pass up an opportunity to go back to Hamley's. And of course it was even better this time because we had Grandma and Grandpa there to spoil the kids. $250 and several hours later, we all walked out of the store happy and refreshed.
Stop 3 - Covent Garden: After our previous visit to Covent Garden, we agreed that it will always be a "must see" for us when visiting London. So with our new toys in hand we zipped over to Covent Garden for some "5 Guys" and street performers.
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