Cleaning House
Since we will soon be moving, Ryan and I decided it was time to "clean house." And by that I mean having Ryan go through all of his old boxes and throw stuff away. Growing up, I was known for being a total pack-rat. If you ask my mom, she will tell you that I kept everything because I felt like it all had some kind of sentimental value. As I've gotten older and have had to move around for college, I've developed a strict rule that if I haven't used it in the last 6-months, it needs to go.
The last couple times we've gone to visit Ryan's parents, Ryan has brought home his boxes with all of his stuff from his mission and from when he was a kid. As much fun as it is to look through all his old stuff and relive his childhood, the time has come to sift through the boxes and throw away the stuff he'll never use. Although Ryan didn't enjoy our little "cleaning party" as much as I did, it was absolutely hilarious to see all of the stuff that he's kept over the years. Keep in mind that he's already gone through these boxes twice in the last 2 years and this is some of the stuff that he's kept:

In case you were wondering, yes, that IS a Velcro wallet with his name on it. If he were to use that in the next 6 months, I think I'd be a little concerned.

I don't know who this Brazilian girl is but I think I should be worried. He was pretty adamant that she not get thrown away. And yes, he won that battle. It looks like this mystery woman will be living with us a while longer.

When asked where "My Buddy" is that goes with these overalls, his exact reply was, "I don't know, but that's all I have left of him." (This particular fight went on for quite a while.)

I laughed my face off at all of Ryans old "stuff"! Too funny! Congrats on the house!!! When do you guys move in?
Too FUNNY!!!! Why are guys like that? Glad Ryan has you to keep him in line.
Way to go Ryan! Way to fight for the Brazilian girl!! That is hilarious...
I've had to do the same thing numerous times (not that I have permanent residency other than my parent's home--but because junk tends to pile up over the months). One of the things that has never gotten thrown away was a wooden carving of my name (thanks to Sally of Mrs. Painter's 2nd grade class' birthday present to me). It made me laugh when I saw that's one of the things Ryan kept over the years, too. Good for him to getting rid of it. As for mine, it's still sitting in my "special things" box, until further notice.
Congrats on the new place!
I think I know where the "My Little Buddy" is...It is at your OLD house (the olive green one) and has a bashed in head from Matt and one of his friends throwing it against the wall that was above your stairs. You were probably too young to remember the abuse that it took :)
I can totally relate. My husband actually has tons and tons of beenie babies and toys from kids meals still in their packages. He swears they are worth money. I finally threw away a wife-beater shirt of his from college that will never fit again. Gag!
Hey, cute blog! I'm sad you guys found a house because it means you'll move away from our awesome apartment! :) Steve is the same way with things. He can't throw away anything. He has boxes and boxes of old clothes and things that he just can't get rid of. I love the 'my buddy' overalls. I'm going to have that jingle in my head all day. :) Seriously though, congrats on the house. Let us know if we can do anything for you.
Kenzie! You got a house! How exciting. It looks like a really nice one. Where is it?? Hopefully not too far away :) I wanna come see it once you're all settled. I haven't talked to you in so long I had no idea. Congratulations! I wish we could have our old house back. It's just SO much better than an apartment.
Glad to see one good thing come of this and that was to gain closure on 'My Buddy'...
And for the record, Kenzie still has to go through her boxes and trust me, she messed with the wrong pack rat!
Beanie babies will be your early retirement!
I love your house!! It's so cute looking! Where is it located? By the way I'm so jealous! It's going to be long time before we move! I hope we keep getting noisy and obnoxious neighbors...not! Congratulations guys!
congrats on the new house it looks SO cute!!! Mackenzie I love that you made Ryan "clean house" I was always a pack rat but since we have had so many big moves i am learning the value of dejunking. I love the feeling of freeing myself of stuff.
I know your pain. James mom keeps giving us boxes of his old stuff. We have a closet dedicated to his old crap.
YAY congrats on the house! Love the pack rat thing, I made sure a few years back that if we dont use it its gone. and it works wonders. Speaking of which do you still collect those little Homies?? You could fill a room with those little guys. lol
By the way I tag you and i miss you!
YAY congrats on the house! Love the pack rat thing, I made sure a few years back that if we dont use it its gone. and it works wonders. Speaking of which do you still collect those little Homies?? You could fill a room with those little guys. lol
By the way I tag you and i miss you!
Kenzington, you're mean! You should have just bought him a wooden chest. That's what I have. My girls LOVE digging through that thing. My favorite keepsake is a poem I wrote in the 2nd grade. It was published. Are you ready?
The rain
Made a chain
On my windowpane.
I know, I was totally awesome, huh? Talented right from a young age. (SIGH) Okay, the Velcro wallet and "My Little Buddy" outfit DID need to go, though. I agree. Hey, at least he doesn't try to decorate with it. Bert INSISTS on having his model of a red Peterbilt semi truck, his bear from when he was a baby (that thing is being held together by a thread) and two stuffed animal dogs that different past girlfriends gave him adorn our bedroom! SOMEBODY SAVE ME!
How funny! I'm glad I'm not the only pack rat around these parts. I should really follow your example and declutter too. I love your guys' house! How exciting! Let us know if you guys need any help.
We have the same issue. Our main one is Tshirts. Apparently EVERY tshirt he owned in high school (that DOES NOT fit) has some meaning that needs to be savored longer! I can't win! (even though a few have slowly made it to the bottom of the DI bag...oops!)
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