Trip To Michigan
This last weekend I was able to go and visit my sister Adrienne in Michigan. Her husband was out of town on a hunting trip so we were able to spend a little quality time together. While there, we did some shopping, eating, and just basically hung out. The trip was a blast and went by WAY too quick.
On Sunday morning Adrienne had to leave for a while and left me with her son, Brooklen. When we were playing with a ball, Brooklen was running after it and tripped with his face falling right into the corner of a wall. The fall ended up splitting open his lip. It didn't look that bad from far away, but up close the cut looked pretty deep. Later that afternoon we ended up taking him to the hospital to get 2 stitches. Of course, I felt horrible. To all those people who are always asking me why we haven't had kids yet - I think it's pretty self explanatory.
Despite our little "mishap," the trip was a total blast! It was great to be able to take a vacation and spend a little 1-on-1 time with my sister. Thanks for the great trip Adrienne!

Only Adrienne would buy her son a mini mop...poor kid.
About you and Ryan babysitting for us...I'm sorry but I don't think it's gonna work out. HAHA!!! Just playing with ya.
Uhhh Ethan, I did NOT buy that mop. Rob did. I only use steam mops and they don't make those child-size. A regular mop (like the one Rob bought) leaves too many streaks. . .
My bad...Sorry. Still though, poor kid. I assume Rob bought the mop to incite child labor cause it looks way to small for him to use.
Hey Lara, I am a qualified babysitter. I was three time zones away!
Reminds me of the time when Ralph and JoAnn came down from Utah to visit. Mark and I hadn't been married kids, etc... I picked little Brooke up out of her infant seat and rammed her head into the kitchen cabinets above her. I lost the "favorite Aunt" award that year. You'll work into it...all five of mine are still living, only a little bit worse for the wear.
Oh man...that stinks that he got hurt while you were watching him. Poor little guy! Sounds like a fun trip otherwise. Love the mopping I think Adrienne needs the IRobot Scuba. I want one!
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