Jessica Simpson Concert
Last night, Jessica Simpson had a concert after the Diamondbacks game. Our friends Tiffini and James invited us to go so we figured it would be a good way to change things up. We showed up at the game around the 7th inning to catch the end of the game before Jessica went on (obviously, we're HUGE Diamondbacks fans). After waiting through extra innings for the concert to begin, we realized that she was performing songs off her new country album. Besides not being huge country fans, we were less than impressed by her long stories between each song explaining what each song was about. After the 4th or 5th song we decided we'd had enough Jessica for the night and left. I'm not sure exacty why we went out of our way to see Jessica Simpson perform live, but I think from here on out we'll stick to watching Jessica in reruns of "Newlyweds."

I can not BELIEVE that you did not stay for the whole thing. Kenz, are you for real?
ohmygosh. Kenzie, I did the same thing!! Did you notice the massive amounts of people heading for the door after each song--like there were give-aways for leaving?! I lasted until the Sheryl Crow comment.
I too, could not stand the stories about all of her 'tough' times! Geez, must be hard when you have millions of dollars and everything at your fingertips.
LOL...that is hilarious. I heard she had a new country album...uhm...what makes you think people will like your music better if you change to country music? lol. I saw one of her new country music videos....ugh...what is with the breathy voice and sexy pose crap...get over yourself Jessica!
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