Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Missing the Sunshine

It has been rainy and cold here the last several days so we've been stuck indoors. This doesn't happen to us often here in Arizona but even a few days of gloomy weather is too much. With a long to-do list and a very energetic one year old we're hoping that days of sunshine are in our near future!


Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Time!!

Continuing our annual holiday tradition, this last weekend we went and chopped down our Christmas tree with friends. It's always quite the adventure trying to trek down a somewhat full tree among the unpruned trees in the forest, but with some "tactical" decorating we can usually work our magic! Now that the tree is up and decorated, our house is officially ready for Christmas!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I find it really hard to say no to this face...


The Face

Maeli recently started doing what we refer to as her "silly face." The first time we noticed it we couldn't stop laughing and it has been the latest craze in our house ever since. Go ahead and try it - ALL the cool kids are doing it!


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