Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rocky Point

This last weekend we celebrated Ryan and my brother Hunter's b-days. To celebrate, we planned a trip to Rocky Point, Mexico.

Ryan and I, along with several of our family and friends, rented a gorgeous condo right on the beach.

While we were there, Hunter and Ryan were able to parasail for their first time. They both had a blast getting to see Mexico from a new perspective.

On Saturday, Hunter turned the big 1-8. I can't believe my little brother is officially an adult! It's weird to think that he'll be graduating from high school this year. They grow up so fast...

Of course, one of the best things about going to Mexico is getting to eat the delicious Mexican food. The food was absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

The last night we were there, we bought some fireworks and the boys made their own fireworks show. I've gotta say, I'm a little confused by the show since all of the shows I've seen in the past consisted of shooting fireworks into the sky as opposed to AT one another!

I'm so glad we were able to go to Mexico for Ryan's 25th. I can't wait to celebrate another 50+ years of birthdays with Ryan! Happy B-Day Ry! I love you!


Monday, September 1, 2008

End Of Summer

When we got married, Ryan received a shotgun from some of his friends as his "getting married" gift. After having to deal with me hassling him about not using it for almost 2 years, he was finally able to test it out. To celebrate Labor Day (or the "end of summer" according to our friend Tiffany), we went shooting with some of our friends. After the morning of shooting, we went over to our friends' house for a bbq and more Wii Fit. Although it was WAY too hot to be outside shooting guns, it was fun getting out and practicing our shooting skills. 


Wii Fit

Our latest obsession has been our new Wii Fit. For those of you who don't know, the "Fit" is a new game that you can buy for the Nintendo Wii which includes a balance board that you stand on as you play the games. The activities you can do with the board range from yoga to snowboarding to our new favorite, "hula hooping." Besides being totally addictive, the game has proven to be very entertaining for large groups because it makes everyone look totally dumb (see the videos and pics below).


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Trip to Spokane

Due to the passing of his aunt, Ryan went home to Spokane for the weekend. Although the trip was on account of a sad occasion, it was a great opportunity for Ryan to spend time with his family. Since the trip was so last minute, Ryan went alone while I stayed behind and worked (lucky me, right?).

Ryan had a fun time just getting to spend time with his family. He was especially excited that his nephew and niece were there. Between family, friends, and sports, I'm pretty sure Ryan didn't even have time to miss me. ;-) Oh well...hopefully I can go next time!


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