Sunday, May 18, 2014

I Amsterdam - Day 2

Stop 4 - Keukenhof Gardens: The gardens were the most anticipated of all the things on our to-do list in Amsterdam. Although they were beautiful and completely heavenly, they were a bit of a disappointment. If you have ever seen a picture of the gardens when the flowers are in full bloom, the fields look like rainbows. Unfortunately, the flowers had been cut in the weeks before we got there so the fields and parks were mostly stems. Luckily, the weather was perfect and the kids still had fun getting to explore. Hopefully one day we'll get to see the fields in full bloom...

Stop 5 - Museumplein: After getting back into the city, we stopped at the grassy area at Museumplein and had a quick picnic lunch. The kids had fun blowing bubbles and chasing birds through the park.

Stop 6 - Vondelpark: When walking through Vondelpark the day before, we noticed a big splash pool in the middle of the park that was packed with kids. With the weather being so nice, we decided that if we had some time to spare we would have to go back and let the kids splash around. Since we didn't pack swimsuits for the kids, we simply stripped them down to their skivvies and let them run free. The kids had so much fun! Ryan and I agreed that watching them play in the water was the highlight of the trip.

Stop 7 - Pannenkoekenboot: The Pannenhoekenboot is more commonly known as the "Pancake Boat" and is an all-you-can-eat pancake (crepe) boat cruise. The cruise was every kids dream - unlimited pancakes with tons of fun toppings (including sprinkles) and a huge ball pit complete with a slide. Maeli and Milo loved every second of it!


Saturday, May 17, 2014

I Amsterdam - Day 1

Stop 1 -KinderKookKafe: KinderKookKafe is a cafe run entirely by children. Upon entering the restaurant, kids can choose what they want to make from a row of pictures. After grabbing all of their utensils and ingredients, the kids can sit down and get to work preparing their food. Maeli made a pizza and a corndog and both kids frosted and decorated a cupcake. While their food was cooking, they were able to go outside and play on the playground in the courtyard of the cafe. Maeli took the whole thing very seriously and loved that she was the head honcho and was able to do things "her" way.

Stop 2 - Albert Cuyp Market: The market was full of vendors selling a variety of goods including clothing, toys, and food. Our main purpose in visiting the market was to try some of the traditional foods from the Netherlands. Specifically on our list was to try the red herring. Ryan, Ethan, and Maeli quickly choked down their pieces but the task was a bit more difficult for me. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't go near any type of seafood so it was a big deal that I was willing to eat a raw, pickled piece of fish. As expected, it was completely disgusting. Milo also tried a piece and quickly spit it back out. We obviously have the same "good" taste. ;-)

Stop 3 -  Red Light District: After the market we took a quick walk over to the Red Light District. As disgusting as it was, we figured it was something that had to be seen when visiting Amsterdam. (For the record, we did not take the kids through the alleys of the Red Light District.) It was eye opening to see that a place like that really exists. 


Little Traveler


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Back to London - Day 2

Stop 4 - London Eye: After missing out on the London Eye the last time we were in London, we made it a priority to hit it first thing upon our arrival. My mom is a bit freaked out by Ferris wheels so she made a point to stay seated in the middle of the capsule. Maeli and Milo on the other hand made sure to get as close to the glass doors as possible. 

Stop 5 - Boat Cruise on the River Thames: After the London Eye we jumped on a boat for a quick cruise on the River Thames. We enjoyed getting to see all of London's landmarks from the water while the kids wreaked havoc on the boat.

Stop 6 - Abbey Road: I hate to admit it, but this picture was the single most difficult picture we have ever taken on any of our trips. Between the constant traffic and the large amount of annoying people jumping into our pictures, getting a shot without anyone else in it was nearly impossible. Luckily, we had my parents with us who were willing to try time and time again to help us get our shot. And surprisingly, this ended up being one of the most memorable parts of our trip. If you want some good entertainment, head over to Abbey Road for some supreme "people watching." I'm pretty sure that Abbey Road might be our new favorite place to visit in London. 

Stop 7 - Coram's Field: After our many attempts/fails at Abbey Road, the kids were in need of some good "play time" so we made a stop at Coram's Field to let the kids run free. The kids enjoyed playing on the playground while being spoiled with ice cream from Grandma and Grandpa. 


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Back to London - Day 1

Stop 1 - Portobello Market: Our first stop in London was the Portobello Market in Notting Hill. The market was packed but we enjoyed getting to stroll through the streets browsing the various stalls. My dad mentioned to Maeli that one of the hats at a stall looked like "Ella the Elephant's" hat. Once she heard that, it was all she could talk about. Needless to say, she ended up leaving the market as the proud new owner of an "Ella the Elephant" hat.

Stop 2 - Hamley's Toy Store: Returning to London we obviously could not pass up an opportunity to go back to Hamley's. And of course it was even better this time because we had Grandma and Grandpa there to spoil the kids. $250 and several hours later, we all walked out of the store happy and refreshed.  

Stop 3 - Covent Garden: After our previous visit to Covent Garden, we agreed that it will always be a "must see" for us when visiting London. So with our new toys in hand we zipped over to Covent Garden for some "5 Guys" and street performers. 



Through our adventures, these kids have become seasoned travelers. From taking off their own jackets at security checkpoints to leisurely strolling onto subways and grabbing the pole, these kids have proven themselves to be true globetrotters. 


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