Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Maeli the Explorer

Yesterday we had our very own "Maeli the Explorer" adventure. Complete with a map, backpack, and tea party. Watch out Dora - there is a new explorer in town!


Blarney Castle

If you happen to notice that Ryan has a newfound "way with words," it's because he kissed the Blarney Stone at the top of Blarney Castle. They say that if you kiss the stone you will be blessed with the gift of eloquence. Regardless of whether it's myth or fact, I'm expecting him to start laying on some serious flattery around here.


Fota Wildlife Park

One thing is for sure - these kids LOVE animals! And nothing makes them happier than getting up close and personal with their furry friends. Milo was almost so amused that he forgot about food...almost.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Kildare Maze



Friday, September 13, 2013

Cattle Herding

While on a walk this morning, we ran into our neighbor who was herding his cattle by commanding his herding dogs. We watched in awe as the dogs rounded up the cattle and herded them across his property. Milo couldn't stop pointing and grunting at the cows. Maeli loved the cows until she found a ladybug and then all of her attention went to caring for her new "friend."



Puddle-Free Play

A rainless day means unlimited outdoor play!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Toothy Grin

No more toothless grins for this scrunchy-nosed face. This kid is on the move and ready to put those teeth to good use!


Ready to Ride

After receiving this bike as a gift on her 2nd birthday, this girl can now finally pedal! We are ready to ride!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Three-Year-Old Adventures

This cowgirl is officially ready for some three-year-old adventures! Her birthday party was complete with horse riding, pin the tail, stick horses, and a pinata. We love our crazy cowgirl and can't wait to see what exciting adventures lie on the trail ahead!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch


Friday, August 2, 2013

Already One

Dear Milo, 

It's hard to believe that we met you for the first time only a year ago. We can remember the first time your sister Maeli met you and wasn't too keen on the idea of sharing our attention. Now a year later, we can't go anywhere without her asking why you're not there. 

Milo, you are very different from your sister in so many ways. I think the best word to describe you would be "content." So far, you seem to be a lot like your Dad. You've taken your time learning to crawl and mastering each new stage. You're in no hurry to grow up too fast. You are perfectly content with life as it is. 

If there is anything that you are passionate about, it is FOOD! When it comes to eating, you don't mess around. You will usually scream and lunge at food until you get it. You have been known to grab food when Mom and Dad aren't looking. We can remember you grabbing Maeli's sandwich out of our hands and stuffing it in your mouth as early as 5 or 6 months old. It is a known rule in our household that food eaten in your vicinity MUST be shared with you. 

You have surprised us with your love of music. You like to dance when you hear music and you especially like to wave and clap your hands in your carseat while we're driving. Sometimes Mom will catch you "singing" (making noises with your voice) to songs on the radio. We were recently at an audio store when headphones were placed on your ears. 
Once you heard the music, your eyes lit up and you couldn't stop smiling.

Just like your sister, you have NO teeth at the age of 1. Despite this trial, you have maintained your love of food and have learned to "gum" your food pretty well. You have proven that teeth are a luxury - not a necessity.

Milo, you are known for being a cuddler. Even at your 1st bday party, you spent the majority of the time laying your head on families' shoulders. You love to be held and will cry until someone picks you up and gives you their undivided attention. 

We can remember you pointing for the first time on the "It's A Small World" ride at Disneyland. Since then, you love to point all the time. It's so fun to watch your little E.T. finger pointing at everything you see. 

Milo, you have the best smile in the world. You win over strangers with your dimples and make our hearts melt when you look at us with those dark brown eyes. You are a happy boy and smile and laugh ALL THE TIME. (Even your cry usually starts with a smile.) We are so grateful for the last year of giggles and smiles and are so thankful to have your sweet, calming spirit in our home. We love you baby boy! 


Mom & Dad


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