Sunday, July 22, 2012

Milo Ryan McFarlane

Dear Milo,

From the time we learned of your expected arrival all the way to the days leading up to your birth, each day was full of anticipation as we anxiously awaited the arrival of our baby boy. I dreamed of getting to dress my little "stud" and your dad talked of taking you to ball games and teaching you the ins and outs of construction. We knew that our lives would be even better with you here.

I hope you realize what a lucky guy you are to have your big sister Maeli at your side. Although she hasn't shown much interest in you so far, I know that in the coming weeks and months she will realize that you are "her" baby and will take her sister responsibilities more seriously. Just yesterday she ran to your aid when she heard you crying upstairs and blew you some kisses to make you feel better. 

I have to admit that I'm not the most emotional person. However, thinking of you and your siblings having a strong relationship does make me get a bit choked up. I remember coming across a saying inscribed in an old building in Ecuador that said, "Although sometimes I am difficult, I love you with all my being." I know you and your siblings will always have your differences, but I hope that you will always put those differences aside and love each other with "all of your being."

I could list a million reasons why I love your dad but the number one reason is without a doubt, because he is a GREAT dad. He loves his kids and makes it clear that they are his top priority. He has a lot going on right now with school on top of working full-time, but no matter how busy his days, he still finds time to each day to cuddle with his little boy.

As you grow up, I hope you see what an amazing guy your dad is and resolve to be like him. I hope you become the honest, caring, and humble person that he is, and an equally great husband and father to your own kids. I know that if you will follow his example and do as he teaches you, you will grow up to me an amazing man.

Milo, as you lay in my lap right now, I'm overwhelmed by how much I can love such a tiny little person. You are "my" guy and I love every second that I get to spend with you. When everyone else goes to sleep at night, it's "our" time. I talk and sing to you and you stare back at me with those beautiful little eyes. And the whole time I fall more and more in love with you.

Know that your dad and I love you so much and are thankful to have you as a part of our family. Bringing you home from the hospital felt like adding another piece to the puzzle. You play an important role in our family and even after just a few days, we couldn't imagine our lives without you. Always know that no matter how rocky the road of life gets, you always have the love and support of your family. We love you and are so glad you're finally here.


Your Mom 


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Twenty Cents

Best $0.20 we ever spent...




Friday, July 6, 2012

The American Way

To celebrate Independence Day, our ward put on a community breakfast complete with water games, music, and a cute bike parade for the kids. Maeli's favorite part was definitely the face painting. By the time we left she had two painted hands, one painted cheek, and was asking for some love on the second cheek. We quickly realized that she had an addiction and booked it home before she ended up with full-on painted sleeves. ;-)

At night we put on our own fireworks show in my parents backyard. Maeli seemed to have mixed emotions about the fireworks in the beginning but was totally loving them by the time the show came to an end. She especially loved throwing "poppers" at all of the family at the end of the night. Ahh...the true "American way."


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Nothing But Love

Around here we've got nothing but love for this guy. We don't get to see him much, but when we do, it's the best part of our day. We love you Ry!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mud Day

Last week we went to "Mud Day" in Scottsdale with my sister and her kids who were visiting. Unfortunately, none of our kids (with the exception of the her little one) got very muddy. Maeli was especially not "digging" the mud. I guess we'll just have to spend the next year practicing our mess making skills! ;-)


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Indoor Playground

This is what happens when it gets too hot to go to the outdoor jungle gym...


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Corn Husker

Memorial Day, the perfect day to learn the ins and outs of corn shucking.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Summertime In Spokane - Pt. 4

Since the weather was so great in Spokane we tried to spend as much time outside as possible. Between hikes, parks, and playing in the yard we did our best to make good use of our time. Some highlights of our time outside included planting flowers with Grandma, discovering (and holding) bugs in the yard, and playing with Grandma and Grandpa's dog, Bella. We're already missing the nice weather and can't wait to go back again next summer!


Summertime In Spokane - Pt. 3

One evening while Ryan and I snuck away for a date, Maeli and Grandma went to work making cookies. Grandma had a special apron and chef's hat for Maeli to wear while they baked. And based on the quality of their work, I would say they made a pretty good team!


Summertime In Spokane - Pt. 2

While in Manson we stopped one afternoon to pick some asparagus in a field. In the midst of hunting for the asparagus, Ryan grabbed a dandelion and showed Maeli how to blow off the seeds. From that point on, that girl was on a mission to blow the seeds off of every dandelion in that field. It was one of those perfect picturesque moments that will always be ingrained in my mind. I guess it's true that it's often the simple things in life that bring the most joy. 



Summertime In Spokane - Pt. 1

This last week we went to Spokane to spend time with Ryan's family and enjoy Spokane's "perfect" summers. Soon after landing in Spokane we jumped in the car and drove 3 hours to Manson, WA where Ryan's mom grew up. That weekend was their annual Apple Blossom parade so we figured we would make a quick weekend trip so Maeli could enjoy her first parade. The weather was perfect and the parade was just short enough to keep Maeli's attention the entire time.

While in Manson we were able to bum a ride from Ryan's uncle who owns a helicopter. I've gotta admit, we had never ridden in a helicopter before and were pretty impressed by the unique perspective you get in comparison to an airplane. Maeli LOVED it and would cry every time the helicopter took off without us.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Workin' At The Car Wash

Let's face it, sometimes it's just more fun to NOT wash the car....


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Splashin' Into Summer

It's starting to get hot here in AZ which means one's time to SPLASH!!!



Friday, April 20, 2012

Love Notes

Sometimes when I can't find something I'll ask Ryan if he's seen it and he'll tell me to look in his shoes. Apparently this is one of Maeli's favorite hiding spots. As inconvenient as it may be to have to check his shoes before putting them on every day, I'm pretty sure that life just wouldn't be complete for Ryan without getting to find Maeli's little love notes each morning.

So yesterday Maeli made her dad some "real" love notes. I think one of the best things about having a little girl is getting to watch her with her dad. And I don't mind sharing my guy - seeing them together is the perfect love note for me.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Down Home With The McF's

Tuesday kicked off the McFarlane's new hit cooking show, "Down Home With The McF's." During the show, Mom and Maeli share their favorite treats, demonstrate classic fumbling techniques, and are interrupted by frequent calls from family and friends. The show features continuous spills, piercing shrills of frustration, and complete and utter chaos. Although chaotic and a bit frightening, the show is endearing inducing a feeling of nostalgia as it takes you back to the days of cooking with your mom. Make sure you tune in for the epitome of train-wreck reality tv.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Shady Lady


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