Sunday, May 1, 2016


Tonight was a "watch a movie in a homemade fort kind of night." They have been a bit obsessed with scary stories lately so we figured E.T. was the obvious movie choice. There's nothing better than watching your own little aliens run around pointing their fingers and groaning "E.T. phone home."


Yard Gymnastics


Friday, April 29, 2016

A Weekend Up North - Wutpaki National Monument

The area around the Wutpaki National Monument is by far one of the prettiest dessert landscapes we've seen in Arizona. The ruins found in this area remind us a lot of the many castles we explored in Ireland. It's amazing how similar so much of the architecture was even with them being located on different sides of the world. Just like the European castles, the kids enjoyed getting to climb the structures and explore the various rooms. 


A Weekend Up North - Sunset Crater

The kids enjoyed running along the lava-flow trail at Sunset Crater. They kept wanting to go off the trail to climb all over the rocks. Milo and Cooley especially enjoyed throwing and breaking the lava rocks


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