Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

Since Ryan and I trade off spending Christmas with our families each year, we've never felt the need to get our own Christmas tree. This year we decided that since we'll be staying close to home for Christmas, it was the perfect year to get our own tree. For the last two years we've carried on the "real vs. fake" Christmas tree debate. Since Ryan grew up with a fake tree and I grew up with a real one, we both see the benefits of doing it our "own families'" way. 

Being the great husband that he is, Ryan gave in and let us get a real tree this year. Although it's only 3 feet high, it's our very own Charlie Brown Christmas tree and we love it. NOW we can have a Merry Christmas!


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Catching Up

We always look forward to going to Spokane to spend time with old friends. Ryan's friend Lance got married while we were there so Ryan got to spend some quality time with the boys. They had fun hanging out and playing videos games late into the night. We wish we were able to see everyone more often, but it was fun getting to catch up while we were there!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Holiday Festivities

While in Spokane, we also got to help Ryan's family decorate for Christmas. We turned on the holiday music, whipped out the Christmas decorations, and made an event of it. It's always fun getting to be a part of the McFarlane holiday festivities!


Keeping Us On Our Toes

One of the highlights of our trip to Spokane was getting to spend time with Ryan's nephew and niece. Riley and Cooper are a total blast and always keep us on our toes. In the week that we were there, I can't even begin to list all of the crazy things they did. Let's just say that every day was new and exciting with them around.


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