Saturday, May 31, 2008

Just Another Night In Mesa

Last night we were entertained by our crazy neighbor next door who was arguing with her son. Since her front door is about 5 feet from our own, we always get to enjoy their family drama. Last night they spent several hours going up and down the stairs yelling and slamming doors. But just when we thought the drama was over, it got a little more interesting.

Soon after we woke up this morning, we got a knock on our door. When we answered it, we were greeted by several officers from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Apparently, our neighbor was heard to be harboring a guy who has a warrant out for his arrest (The sad thing is that this wasn't the first time the cops have come to our door at this apartment). After asking us a couple questions, the officers went across the hall and proceeded to knock on the neighbors door. After our neighbor wouldn't answer, they and several more cops surrounded the apartment and threatened to break down the door. After a while, she finally came to the door and they searched her apartment. We don't think they found the guy, but it was pretty crazy watching the drama through our peep hole. Who needs to go to the movies when we've got free entertainment right here at home?! I think it's probably time to get out of Mesa!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I can't help it, I LOVE this song!


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wii Night

One thing that we've noticed about living back in Arizona, is that it seems like everything is EXPENSIVE! After going on several expensive dates, we decided to do an old fashioned group date night with some of our friends. On Saturday night, we went to the store and bought ingredients and toppings for homemade pizzas. We came back to our apartment and each couple made their own pizza and we played Nintendo Wii. We rented a new Wii game which we totally love and had some amazing homemade ice cream. Altogether, the night turned out great. I guess it just goes to show that you really don't have to spend a lot to have a fun time!

After accidentally hitting his date during a game of tennis, Rob was banished to his own corner for the remainder of the game.

For the record, I'm actually pretty good at Wii Tennis. I blame it on the fact that I had to play with Rob's Mii character instead of my own.


D-Backs Game

On Friday night we went to the Diamondbacks game with Mark and Rob. (Yup, that's right, just me and 3 boys.) I'm sure the boys were disappointed that I was there when I turned down an offer from a scalper for better seats, but I just have this weird thing where I'd rather spend $25 bucks on dinner than seats closer to the field. In the end, the Diamondbacks won and it was great getting to watch the game in the perfect AZ weather!


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