Monday, December 2, 2019

Because of Him

We finally had to force them to stop looking at pictures to get the tree decorated. This year had its ups & downs but taking the time to review our year in pictures always reminds us how blessed we really are. I’m grateful for this time of year dedicated to celebrating the one who made this beautiful life possible. #becauseofhim


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A New Tradition

We started a new tradition of a movie and Chinese takeout on Thanksgiving Eve. 
I think the kids were most excited to be able to use their chopsticks. 


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Mornings


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Soaking Up Our Time Together


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Just A Guy In The Shower


Feeling Old

Maeli found an unopened disposable camera at my parents’ house last week. She looked confused as she tried to figure out how it worked. It took a while to explain that you can’t just take 20 pictures at a time or even see the pictures until you take it in to get developed. Nothing makes you feel old quite like having to explain what “film” is to your kids...  


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Just For Fun

You know, just writing down a list of 100 animals from his North American animals book...for fun...


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Visit

A visit from Gma & Gpa McFarlane 


Monday, August 19, 2019

Brotherly Love


Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Dreamy Evening


Saturday, August 10, 2019

1st Guitar

Little lady saved up & bought herself her 1st guitar.


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Time with Grandma


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

9 Years Old

She ended her last day as an 8-year-old getting her brothers an after-school snack, helping with dinner, & dressing her brothers for bed. If 9-year-old Maeli is anything like the 8-year-old version, we’re pretty much the luckiest parents around.


Sunday, July 28, 2019

Working to Improve Our Shot

Milo asked my parents for a BB gun for his birthday this year. In the past, my mom has always handled the kids’ presents, but this purchase had Dad written all over it. I remember him shopping for it over vacation & Mom said he ran to the store to get BB’s the night before his passing. It seems fitting that one of his last errands in his time on Earth was spent doing something for one of his grandchildren. When Milo opened the gift, his first question was who would teach him to use it now that Grandpa was gone. It was all so fresh, that question was only met by silence. But Ryan stepped in & took Milo aside carefully teaching him the proper safety precautions & how to aim & shoot the gun.
Dad did so much for us, it’s hard to imagine life not being able to run to him for help all the time. But just like it was time for us to step up & teach Milo to shoot the gun ourselves, it seems like it’s finally time to step it up in all areas of our lives. I’m grateful for the opportunity that death gives us to re-evaluate our lives & identify areas for improvement. 

Dad would’ve been so proud to see Milo’s first bullseye, but not nearly as proud as he would be to see his children striving to live up to their full potential. I know that we’ll eventually hit that ultimate bullseye & get to be with my dad again. In the meantime, we’ll just keep working to improve our shot. #FamiliesAreForever


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