Thursday, May 1, 2014

It's A Good Day For Tea & Crumpets


Maeli: Mom, look!
Mom: What?
Maeli: I ate the bug!
Mom: You ate it? Why?
Maeli: Because I didn't want to hold it anymore.
Mom: Why didn't you flick it off?
Maeli: Because it wouldn't get off of me.
Problem solved...


Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Day Around Tullymore

Tullymore, Co. Offaly

Ballyragget, Co. Kilkenny

Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny


She Talks, He Smiles



Sunday, April 20, 2014

Because He Lives, We Live


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Visiting the Scottish Homeland - Day 3

Stop 9 -  Glengarry Castle Hotel: The Glengarry Hotel reminded us of an old school haunted house. With taxidermy animals on the wall and a wood burning fireplace lighting the foyer, we immediately realized what a gem of a hotel we had found. After breakfast in the morning, the hotel staff let the kids feed their sheep the leftover bread. Although the sheep were a bit timid, the kids had the time of their lives getting to chase the sheep around the pasture.

Stop 10 - The Elephant House: We made a quick stop at the Elephant House cafe in Edinburgh. The cafe is known for being one of the locations where J.K. Rowling first penned the Harry Potter series. 


Visitng the Scottish Homeland - Day 2

Stop 5 - Kilt Rock & Mealt Falls: On our drive through the Isle of Skye, we made a quick stop at Kilt Rock and Mealt Falls.

Stop 6 - Faerie Glen: The hills at Faerie Glen were some of the craziest hills we've ever seen. We searched high and low for the fairies but realized that they must've been hiding from us humans because they were scared. 

Our drive through the roads of the Isle of Skye was one of the funnest drives of our lives. Windy country roads surrounded by livestock were pretty much like Disneyland to the kids.

Stop 7 - Fairy Pools: After hiking through the highlands we finally arrived at the amazing Fairy Pools. The clear blue water was unlike anything we've ever seen. We searched high and low for the fairies before realizing they must not vacation at the pools this time of year. 

Stop 8 - Loch Ness: After telling the kids a bit about Nessy, we started our search for the famous Loch Ness monster.


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