Wednesday, March 18, 2015

St Paddy's Day

St Patrick's Day in Ireland can best be compared to the 4th of July in America. Irish flags everywhere you look, families decked out in Irish gear, & festive parades in every town center. With their Irish best friends by their side at our town parade, today was without a doubt our best St Paddy's day yet!


Too Much Energy

When your kids have WAY to much energy before turn on a workout video for kids and put them to work!


A Weekend In Malahide

As a thank you gift, our landlords offered us a weekend at their beach condo in Malahide. We were totally blown away when we walked in and saw a beautiful 3-bedroom condo with marina views. We only ended up staying one night but had a great day eating,  visiting Avoca, and playing at the park on the grounds at Malahide Castle.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Open Road


Teething Time

In this family, 14 months is the standard age for getting your first tooth. Cooley is following suit. 


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Stick Man



Friday, March 13, 2015

Growing Up

I came in from working out this morning to find Maeli sitting at the counter like this - paper towel placemat, sippy cup filled with water, Greek yogurt with blueberries, and an apple for her horse. Proud parent moment for sure. 


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Touring Central Europe - Day 7

Stop 22 - Fisherman's Bastion: When we got up the next morning we headed over to Fisherman's Bastion to see the beautiful views of Budapest. The bastion had tons of stairs so the kids spent their time racing up and down the many stairways.

Stop 23 - Hungarian State Circus: When walking through the city the previous day, we came across a permanent circus show that resides in Budapest. We checked the times and decided that the circus would be the perfect way to close our our trip to Central Europe. The circus was amazing! We have seen several circuses as a family, but this was the first one that had a strong man and an elephant. The kids sat in awe eating their popcorn as they watched the various performers.


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