Sunday, February 14, 2016

Brotherly Love

"Cooley, make sure you hold his head." - Milo

"I will give my heart to Camp." - Milo


Saturday Snuggles


Boys, Boys, Boys...


Monday, February 8, 2016

Baby Smiles


Baby Camp


Baby Police


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Camp McCoy McFarlane

Dear Camp,

No words can even describe the feelings of gratitude that we feel as we hold you in our arms. It's surreal to finally hold you knowing how much we have anticipated your arrival over the last 9 months. Nothing brings us more joy in life than our kids so we know that our lives just became that much better with the addition of you to our family. 

Camp, you may be the luckiest boy in the world to have a sister and brothers who love you more than you could ever imagine. From the moment they first entered the hospital room and saw you in our arms, they haven't been able to get enough of you. Between constant fights about who gets to hold you and non-stop showers of kisses, I think it's safe to say that you are a family favorite. 

Your sister Maeli loves to draw you pictures which she neatly places on top of you while you're sleeping. Milo is very affectionate with you and will sit for long periods of time with you in his arms. And your brother Cooley? Well, Cooley thinks you're a pretty cool toy and specifically loves jumping in your pack'n play, stealing your binkies, and poking his fingers in your mouth. We know that being "the baby" of the family may come with its downsides, but we hope you know how incredibly lucky you are to have the love and protection of 3 older siblings. 

Camp, you have been a long awaited addition to our family. For months now we have spoken about your arrival and how great it will be to have you in our home. If only you could go back and see the shower of love and attention you received from family upon your arrival. Few people in this life are lucky enough to have a support system like ours. We hope you always remember that no matter which way the road of life takes you, those people will always be there to cheer you on in the good times and lift you up when times get tough. 

If there's anything we've learned so far as parents, it's that our kids teach us far more than we could ever even think to teach them. We know that you were meant to join our family and are grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow with you as we tackle each day as a family. We hope that you never forget how special you are to us and how humbled we are to have been trusted with your care. Welcome to our crazy crew baby Camp. We love you more than you will ever know! 


Mom & Dad


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