Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Daddy's Girl

To commemorate our 4 year anniversary, I thought the best way to tell Ryan that I love him would be to pay tribute to what a great dad he is. Especially since nothing makes me love him more than seeing him with our little girl.

As each day goes by, it becomes more and more apparent that Maeli is an ABSOLUTE daddy's girl! She doesn't even care what they're doing as long as her Dad is holding her.

On weekends when Maeli wakes up early, Ryan likes to pull her into bed with him. Ryan thinks that it's their time to nap together. Little does he know that half the time she just lays there and smiles.

I always thought that I would be Ryan's #1 girl, but these days I'm thinking it's okay to be #2. Thanks for being such a great husband and father. We love you Ry!


Turkey Time!

This year we spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Spokane with Ryan's family. One highlight of the trip was getting to meet Maeli's new cousin, Ainsley. While her new partner in crime is a bit younger at 5 weeks old, they seemed to enjoy their "bonding" time. ;-)

In our 9 days in Spokane, we got over a foot of snow. Although it was extremely cold, the snow made for tons of fun with the kids!

With all of the family around, Ryan and I didn't see much of Maeli. If she wasn't eating or sleeping, she was ALWAYS being held by someone in the family. There is definitely no shortage of love for this girl!

As always, our time in Spokane was a total blast! It was fun getting to spend the holiday with family and friends. We're already counting down to our next visit!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Snow Day

Today was Maeli's first day in the snow. She got bundled up and braved the cold with mom and dad.

She tasted snow for the first time...

...and liked it (we think).

She wasn't a huge fan of the cold...

...but overall we think she enjoyed it.


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