Thursday, March 20, 2014

Going Green

Happy St. Patrick's Day from the Emerald Isle! A few things we've learned this holiday season...
1. It's only an American tradition to pinch someone if they're not wearing green.
2. The actual colors of the holiday are green, white, and orange.
3. Most Irish have not eaten corned beef and cabbage. 
Note to self: Do no pinch strangers...even on St. Patrick's Day. :-)

On the morning of St. Patrick's Day we took the train into Dublin to watch the parade. We could barely see the parade with the large crowd so the kids got on our shoulders to get a better view. Maeli and Milo loved waving their Irish flags and accidentally whacking us in the face with them. We felt a bit under-dressed as everyone was decked out in costumes and green gear but we agreed that if we're still here come next St. Patrick's Day, we'll be sure to go more prepared in our Irish garb! 

One weekend a year, Dublin's most iconic buildings "Go Green." 


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Exploring Waterford

Yesterday we explored the county of Waterford. The day consisted of seeing the cities of Waterford, Dungarvan, and Lismore while exploring beaches, rolling hills, and the Mount Congreve Gardens, Dunhill Castle, Lismore Castle, and Ballysaggartmore Towers.

Mount Congreve Gardens

Dunhill Castle

 Ballysaggartmore Towers


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Eyes Wide Open

This kid is definitely the most alert baby we've had so far. He always wants to be awake and loves any attention he can get.


Spring Is In The Air


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