Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Off to Spokane

On Friday it was time to beat the heat and head to Spokane for some much needed R&R with Ryan's family. But before we could relax, Maeli made sure to work us hard on the trip there. This girl was impossible to keep up with! While she wasn't too fond of the airplane ride itself, she LOVED the airports! I'm pretty sure she touched, licked, grabbed, and ate everything that a human being shouldn't.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Just Like Dad

When we grow up, we want to be JUST LIKE OUR DADS! Happy Father's Day!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Because Sometimes You Really Are Just THAT Hungry...


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"The" Great Grandparent

This last weekend we took a day trip to Tucson to visit my Grandpa - Maeli's only living great-grandparent. It was fun getting to see the two of them interact with each other (that is, when she wasn't terrorizing his dog). ;-) We'll definitely have to visit again soon!


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