Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wedding Weekend

This weekend, Ryan's family came to town for his brother Steve's wedding. Although we didn't get to spend much time with Steve and his new wife Kristi Kay, we had a ton of fun hanging out with the McFarlane clan!

Kristi Kay has two kids close to the same age as Ryan's nephew and niece

Ryan's brother Rob and his soon-to-be wife

Ryan and I's cheesy temple pic

How can you not love this face?!?


Friday, October 30, 2009

Spooky Supper

Every year, Ryan's mom makes a big Halloween meal. Since getting married, Ryan has insisted that we continue this tradition. Even when I have attempted to substitute some of his mom's dishes for new ones, he has put up a fight. So after 3 years of marriage, I have finally surrendered to the Halloween Hoopla and adopted this meal as "our" tradition as well.

This year we invited a group of friends and family to enjoy the festive meal with us. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of half of the food and all of our guests, but the night turned out perfect. Hopefully next year I'll gorge a little bit less and take a few more pictures. Thanks to everyone who participated in the fun! Happy Halloween!!

Ryan was pretty happy with how the night turned out


A Cheaper Alternative

Those who have been in our house know that one of my favorite stores is West Elm. Although I absolutely love everything in their store, I often have a hard time justifying the prices of their products. When looking through their catalog recently, I saw some wall art that I really liked. Being the cheap person that I am, I decided that I could easily replicate the pictures and make them them more to my liking. So a few days later, I came home with 3 large canvases to begin my latest project. After countless hours of painting, I have developed a newfound respect for artists. I think it's safe to say that I'll be putting away the paint brushes for a while.

West Elm's

Our Project


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Biggest Loser?

Last night, one of our friends told me that I look like a girl off "The Biggest Loser." Considering they're only in their 2nd week on the show, I don't think I can really take that as a compliment. You tell Rebecca my long lost twin?


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