Thursday, January 3, 2008

Battle in Seattle

This year we cherished our Christmas break as it was our last official holiday break as college students. Vacations have become highly valued as graduation approaches and we face the reality that week-long vacations will be much more of a rare occurrence in the future. Now if you don't know this already, Ryan is a die-hard Gonzaga basketball fan. However, as much as he loves their basketball team, he's never had the opportunity to go to one of their games. As a result, for Christmas his family got us and all of his siblings tickets to a basketball tournament in Seattle where Gonzaga was playing. So this last Saturday we got up early and flew over to Seattle to spend the day in the city and attend the game. Although we didn't get to spend a ton of time in the city, we did get to go down to the famous fish market, Pike's Place Market. A little later in the day we attended the game and Ryan finally got to see his team in action. To Ryan's disappointment, Gonzaga didn't win the game but we had a great time visiting the city and getting to spend time with his siblings.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Family Pictures

Since all of Ryan's family was home for Christmas this year, his family decided to take family photos. Although I'm not a huge fan of pictures, I enjoyed this particular photo session as it allowed us to get our own family pictures out of the way at the same time. Figuring that we will be spending every other Christmas with each others families and our families will probably be taking pictures each time we get together, it looks as though the arrangement of family pictures will always be taken care of for us. Here's hoping!


Starting Off the New Year

Well, it's officially 2008 and the new year is looking to be an exciting year as we both prepare to graduate in April. After constant prodding from family and friends, we've decided to give into the blog epidemic and begin our own family blog. We've been hesitant to start one in the past as our lives are pretty boring with work and school occupying the majority of our time. But you all asked for it, so here it is. We'll just apologize now for boring you to death in the future. So consider this our first official post to kick off 2008! We're looking forward to a great year!


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