Showing posts with label Maeli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maeli. Show all posts

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Arby's Christmas Glasses

Early in our marriage, Ryan’s mom gave all of her kids a set of cute Christmas glasses. Ryan loved them & I just assumed they were a treasured family heirloom. We carefully packed them for each move we’ve made over the years & have kept them stored in a cabinet in our kitchen. A few years back, I was moving the glasses & noticed that they said “Arby’s” on the bottom. When I asked Ryan, he nonchalantly replied that his mom had gotten them at Arby’s. I laughed knowing how carefully I had protected these coveted Arby’s glasses. 

About a month ago, Maeli asked if she could have a “fancy” Christmas party with her friends using the special Christmas glasses. So we planned a night of dinner, a gift exchange & games for her friends…featuring the Arby’s Christmas glasses. Getting to spend a night with Maeli & her friends was easily one of the highlights of our Christmas season!

Special shoutout to Mary McFarlane and Arby's for inspiring our tween Christmas party this year!


Monday, November 21, 2022

Getting Ready for Christmas


Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Big 12

12 year olds don’t get much better than this one right here! Maeli loves sweets, shopping, and watching chick flicks. She dreams of marrying Tom Holland & insists on saying goodbye to her hamster every morning before running out the door. She is sweet, thoughtful, & is pretty much already better than me at most things.

Maeli has been begging for a phone for years & today her phone dreams finally came true. Happy birthday baby girl! Just don’t grow up anymore, ok?



Monday, July 25, 2022

Back to School 2022-2023


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Strawberry Picking


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The Best Mother's Day Gift

Camp had to do an animal project for school & without hesitation said he wanted to do his report 
on ocelots. After first looking up what an ocelot was, we got started on the written portion. When 
it came time to do the poster, Maeli jumped in & helped him get it all put together. I’m pretty sure there’s no better gift for a mom than seeing her kids be sweet to one other. That’s the only Mother’s 
Day gift I need.


Monday, January 17, 2022

Grand Canyon Deer Farm


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