Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The McFs Take Back Europe - Day 6 - Sally Gap, Glendalough, Irish Working Sheepdogs, & Duckett's Grove

Sally Gap


Irish Working Sheep Dogs

Duckett's Grove

While at Duckett's Grove, a worker came over to me as I was taking pictures and said he thought I might be interested in seeing an old camera that he had acquired. We followed him over to the camera & he offered to take a picture of the kids. We told Camp to stay still be he kept moving so he ended up blurry in the photo. It took about 30 minutes for the man to use the chemicals to develop the picture but he gave it to us when it was done. We offered him money and he said he just does it for fun. There really are so many nice people in the world.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Escaping To England

Stop 1 - Stonehenge: After having our flight delayed several hours and then running into issues with our rental car, we ended up getting a much later start than originally expected. When we were finally on the road, we made our first stop at Stonehenge. We decided to forgo paying the entrance fee and just admired the structure from afar. After Stonehenge we drove to our hotel for the night. 

Despite making arrangements for an automatic transmission car, we ended up getting stuck with a manual transmission. Since Ryan doesn't have experience with a manual, I took on the responsibility of driving. Between the dark roads, rain, and driving a stick shift on the wrong side of the road, our first day of driving was quite the adventure.

Stop 2 - Bibury, Gloucestershire, UK: The next morning we started our day off in the small town of Bibury. Although it was tiny the town perfect with its dreamy rows of small cottages.

Stop 3 - Snowshill, Gloucestershire, UK: After Bibury, we headed towards the small town of Snowshill. It was there that we spent time admiring the breathtaking views and driving through the windy roads lined with homes. With Bibury coming in first, we ranked Snowshill as being our second favorite Cotswold town.

Stop 3 - Bourton-On-The-Water, Gloucestershire, UK: Our next stop in the town of Bourton-On-The-Water consisted of a visit to a toy store, antique shops, and a candy store. After our visit we drove through several more towns including Stow-On-The-Wold, Chipping Camden, Broadway, and Burford. When driving through Broadway, we also stopped at the historic Broadway Tower for a quick climb to the top of the tower. After seeing all the towns, we headed to our hotel for an early dinner and bedtime. Next stop - Arizona!!


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