Thursday, January 23, 2025

Playing with Robots



Monday, January 13, 2025

Pokemon Battle

Yesterday I came upstairs to find Ryan & Cooley in the middle of an intense Pokémon battle. Our boys love Pokémon but both Ryan & I have a pretty limited knowledge (& interest) in it. Regardless, there was Ryan on the floor, with a Pokémon book, looking up the specifics of each Pokémon as he battled Cooley in their homemade Magnatile stadium. I’m thankful for this guy who’s never too busy to sit on the floor & play with our kids (& creates one heck of a Magnatile Pokémon stadium).


Monday, December 16, 2024

A Family Business

Each year, the boys’ school hosts a holiday market where the kids can get a booth & sell their own products. To apply, the kids have to submit a business plan to be reviewed & accepted by the PTO.

Our boys decided to run a booth together selling toys they bought off of Temu. It was so fun watching them work together to choose their products, write their business plan, and sell their products the night of the market.

The school also hosted a gingerbread house completion the same night and Milo & Camp both entered & won. I think it’s safe to say the night was a success!


Maeli's Christmas Party

Last weekend Maeli had her annual Christmas party with her friends. The night was filled with a “fancy dinner,” hot tubbing, and lots of games! Love these girls! 


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