This morning when I was getting ready for work, I was startled by a loud knock at our door. In my experience, a phone call or knock on the door at 6 in the morning is never a good thing. When I answered the door, I was greeted by two U.S. Marshals. I assumed they wanted to ask us something about our neighbors since there's been problems with them in the past...then they asked to talk with Ryan. My stomach just dropped and my mind started racing wondering what kind of trouble Ryan could've gotten in to.
When Ryan finally came into the room, they said they wanted to talk to him about a case of identity theft. Apparently, the son of a federal judges' identity had been stolen and Ryan was a suspect in the case. They had a whole file on him - including where he worked, lived (obviously), and even a picture of him. Apparently Ryan's phone number was linked to the case.
To give you some background, Ryan's phone number was issued to him by Intel when he started working there. Since he received the phone, he's recieved numerous calls and texts from all kinds of people including porn sites and car dealerships.
The Marshals questioned him as to when he got the phone and soon realized that the guy who had the phone before Ryan was who they were actually looking for.
As much as we don't like being bothered at 6 in the morning, Ryan and I are pretty pleased by this little occurance. Although Ryan being taken away in handcuff's would've made a great picture for our blog, I'm relieved to hear my husband isn't a federal criminal! ;-)